First of all I don't see how meeting a warlord is bad, I think is GOOD! You going to be a high rank at some point right? So once you are a high rank you going to meet warlords everytime. Here is why I think is good: you learn from warlords, you learn how they play their spells, you learn what kind of spells they use, you learn what kind of pet they have, you learn what type of gear they have, you are learning how to use the right spell at the right time, so you are learning from a warlord the best of pvp and you still think it sucks? Plus TRUST YOUSELF you can beat a warlord because someday you are GOING TO BE ONE!!!
Yes, I agree about learning the strategy part but some warlords are kind of "unfair". For instance, right now people are complaining about life wizards with Jade gear and their high resist. In the past Ice ruled PvP with their crafted gear that I totally forget which world it came from.
However, not all warlords are technically "unfair". There are some who are actually pretty good and you could learn from them.
First of all I don't see how meeting a warlord is bad, I think is GOOD! You going to be a high rank at some point right? So once you are a high rank you going to meet warlords everytime. Here is why I think is good: you learn from warlords, you learn how they play their spells, you learn what kind of spells they use, you learn what kind of pet they have, you learn what type of gear they have, you are learning how to use the right spell at the right time, so you are learning from a warlord the best of pvp and you still think it sucks? Plus TRUST YOUSELF you can beat a warlord because someday you are GOING TO BE ONE!!!
Wolf Deathwalker PVP COMMANDER LVL 81
Actually, I am a low rank and i believe all these warlords fighting us privates, are getting it way to easy, then they gloat and make us feel bad (not all of them, some are good sports). Seriously though, what accomplishment do you get? You beat a PRIVATE. It's not that hard when your that highly experienced. Just saying.
Actually, I am a low rank and i believe all these warlords fighting us privates, are getting it way to easy, then they gloat and make us feel bad (not all of them, some are good sports). Seriously though, what accomplishment do you get? You beat a PRIVATE. It's not that hard when your that highly experienced. Just saying.
Well, it is kind of hard when you are a magus warlord facing a legendary private with waterworks gear, just saying...
Actually, I am a low rank and i believe all these warlords fighting us privates, are getting it way to easy, then they gloat and make us feel bad (not all of them, some are good sports). Seriously though, what accomplishment do you get? You beat a PRIVATE. It's not that hard when your that highly experienced. Just saying.
I agree, and it has gotten worst since the update, cause now you can fight a warlord with a higher rank than what you have. It's not just Warlord 70 agianst a Private 70 anymore, now it can be a 60 vs 80, or a 10 vs 30. The Warlord vs private never bothered me, why for two reasons.
1. Downranking, it will always be a problem, and I don't think KI will fix this. 2. A player that has many warlords, starts a new wizard, but he has tons of xp. So it may be private vs private, but it really a mega Warlord against a Private.
Plus you have the Clans that are helping Privates with getting gear and perfect pets, and traning. Then add in the Jade gear,Crown Wands, crown gear and packs....... So no matter how you look at it, it will always be unfair.
On the other hand, the Gloating from many players (or friends of who you are playing) really does bother me.
1. Once you are high rank, you will not be facing warlords all the time. If this happened, then privates would never face warlords. 2. Not everyone will be great at pvp. It's always possible, but some people will probably just quit if they lose too much in the beginning. 3. If you want to know gear, what spells to use, and at what time to use them, it's easier to just look up a pvp guide.
First of all I don't see how meeting a warlord is bad, I think is GOOD! You going to be a high rank at some point right? So once you are a high rank you going to meet warlords everytime. Here is why I think is good: you learn from warlords, you learn how they play their spells, you learn what kind of spells they use, you learn what kind of pet they have, you learn what type of gear they have, you are learning how to use the right spell at the right time, so you are learning from a warlord the best of pvp and you still think it sucks? Plus TRUST YOUSELF you can beat a warlord because someday you are GOING TO BE ONE!!!
Wolf Deathwalker PVP COMMANDER LVL 81
Ok death commander you are one of my fav. posters! but just think about the people on the warlords side, they get another easy kill. Just sayin'
First of all I don't see how meeting a warlord is bad, I think is GOOD! You going to be a high rank at some point right? So once you are a high rank you going to meet warlords everytime. Here is why I think is good: you learn from warlords, you learn how they play their spells, you learn what kind of spells they use, you learn what kind of pet they have, you learn what type of gear they have, you are learning how to use the right spell at the right time, so you are learning from a warlord the best of pvp and you still think it sucks? Plus TRUST YOUSELF you can beat a warlord because someday you are GOING TO BE ONE!!!
Wolf Deathwalker PVP COMMANDER LVL 81
this is pretty true but privates dont really have the good pvp gear yet and those healing pets that most warlords will have. i am a private going up against warlords with resist that out matches mine, and its kinda tough getting the gear for all those stats.
Ladders and ranks exist for a reason - to pair off competitors with opponents that fall in a reasonable range of their own skill level.
If your match pairing system randomly matches warlords to beginners and grandmasters against initiates, it's broken and should be fixed. The lower rank has no realistic chance of winning, and the higher rank sees no challenge and no problem with this.
Saying "suck it up, it's good for you and it's fine, you just need to work harder" is the sort of dishonest and self-centered response the entitled class use all the time to justify anything from tax evasion to racial discrimination. We don't accept this in society at large, why should it be acceptable in the context of a game, where more variables are at our command to control?
I realize that in order for players to find a match in a reasonable amount of time, the pairing system needs broader ranges to find potential matches. If the pairing criteria are too narrow, you might wind up waiting hours for the proper pairing. Nobody wants that. They just want to pvp. But I think most of us would be willing to wait a few more minutes than we do now, for a more level- and rank-appropriate match.
For instance, my magus life pvt is okay with matches against lvl 20-45 pvt-sgt opponents, even if it means waiting around or training pet or gardening for a bit. Not okay with lvl 67 warlord or captain. That's strictly a guaranteed loss for me. Sure I could get a lucky draw or they could get very unlucky, but most matches are not decided by luck, unless you're storm.
Death commander, please do us and yourself a favor and stop defending a system that is malfunctioning. It makes you look dishonest and almost totally discounts and invalidates everything else you say on these boards. Even your biggest fans are distancing themselves from you.