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Gold Loss

Mar 01, 2013
This is not a bug. If you want a bug, go read another thread.

SO. I was finishing up Krokotopia for more XP so I can be at least level 35 before Big Ben Tower.
And I did a quest that ended up in the library.
I wanted to buy some tough cards. Just out of curiosity, I wondered how much i could buy with the equivalence of my gold. I had 10000 G and I bought 208 Tough cards on accident.
I wasn't mad because I could sell them at the Bazaar.
They only sell for 5 each, so I was extremely enraged. I sold the majority of mine and I only got around 1000 G.

KingsIsle, could you restore my gold? I was going to hit cancel, buy I hit buy instead. Please? It would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

Aug 07, 2010
Lol, i doubt KI is going to do that. Then, it would be unfair for everyone else who KI didn't restore their gold to who made simple mistakes like this.

All i can say is, the best way to learn is learning from mistakes XD

Alexander RainbowFountain, Grandmaster ()