I recently began questing in Tatakai Outpost, and I noticed something unusual. Every time I teleport within Tatakai Outpost, whether I use teleport stones or marked locations, I am teleported to the road that takes you back to Hametsu Village; it also happened to me when I changed realms. -Sean GriffinTail, Level 36
I recently began questing in Tatakai Outpost, and I noticed something unusual. Every time I teleport within Tatakai Outpost, whether I use teleport stones or marked locations, I am teleported to the road that takes you back to Hametsu Village; it also happened to me when I changed realms. -Sean GriffinTail, Level 36
My Name in wizard101 is also Sean too, lol and I am having a problem with Tatakai Teleporting aswell. If it takes you back to the village there, its fine. But if you changed realms, it can take you back to Hamestu Village in the Realm you marked (like wu)