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Favorite/Least Favorite...

Dec 03, 2012
Mounts. What is your favorite and least favorite mounts? And why? I thought the answers would be interesting.

My favorite mount is the a horse.
Because they go fast and are smaller, but not too small.
My least favorite mount is the Skyvern.
It's so big!!!!

Oct 24, 2010
Molly the Balance ... on Aug 25, 2013 wrote:
Mounts. What is your favorite and least favorite mounts? And why? I thought the answers would be interesting.

My favorite mount is the a horse.
Because they go fast and are smaller, but not too small.
My least favorite mount is the Skyvern.
It's so big!!!!
I like the original dragons...faithful dragoness, etc.

My least favorite are all the huge multi-player mounts; you can't see around them, under them or through them so you have to move or stop. And the Raven (though it looks cool) is still not fixed and is pretty much impossible to see where you are going