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One in a Million Badge

Sep 29, 2012
I have a level 70 myth wizard, and would love to get the one in a million badge. And I have a few questions, seeing that most of my big spells are two hitters or area of effect damage or damage over time, is it even possible to get one in a million badge with these spells? Secondly, does the two hitter spells count as the same damage when calculating the one in a million badge?

Mar 10, 2009
I wouldn't think that they would. I did mine using a gnome spell. That was all damage in one hit.

Feb 26, 2012
I think the hit has to be in a single hit. This makes it difficult for myth to achieve. I read a post somewhere in which a myth wizard said he did it. I got the badge with my fire wizard, but I am not sure how to do it with my myth wizard. You might try it with the medusa spell -- I am not there yet, but it seems to me that spell hits first with damage, and then with stun, so the damage might be enough to get the badge.

The trick, though, is to find a weak opponent ( I went back to Krok) who is the opposite of your school for the max boost, then get every boost you possibly can on before you hit -- your strongest attack boosting armor, your best chance for a critical in equipment, both normal spell traps and treasure card traps, both normal spell blades and treasure card blades, balance blades, time of legend ring, etc. The weak opponent is so you can take damage without having to respond while you set up your hit.

Good luck!

Aug 23, 2009
I actually used low level enemy of same school stacked rounds of traps then used convert and repeated traps so they would all trip and had blades and school global. Myth should be able to do it with medusa.

Jan 11, 2012
for myth, I agree with you, use Medusa and tons of buffing. When you find a monster to do the hit on, look on wizard101 central's website for the monster to see what spells it uses. Nothing worse than buffing the heck out of a monster only to have it cast a shield against your spells. You can either use a monster from the opposite school as yours, OR your school with a prism. I used the second method with my death wizard; I hit mine on Foulgaze. Also, if you want to do it solo, and don't have them yet, I would wait until you get to Azteca and get the Sharpened Blade and Potent Trap cards. This will double all of your school spells and will help out a lot. If you have Feint from Death for example, you'll be able to get a trap of 70% AND 80%. For Medusa, that means 770*1.7*1.8=2,356. When you combine all of that with the treasure card versions, the damage becomes MUCH more attainable

Dec 01, 2012
I'm pretty sure that you have to do it in one hit, so if you're myth, you might want to use something like Medusa or Earthquake. Or, you can just try to boost the damage A LOT.
Good question, though.

Oct 11, 2010
Tristan Dreamcraft... on Sep 29, 2013 wrote:
I have a level 70 myth wizard, and would love to get the one in a million badge. And I have a few questions, seeing that most of my big spells are two hitters or area of effect damage or damage over time, is it even possible to get one in a million badge with these spells? Secondly, does the two hitter spells count as the same damage when calculating the one in a million badge?
with help i was able to get million badge on my 10 pvp storm. they need a 10 million badge i think that is attainable for some classes.

Aug 18, 2011
It needs to be done in a single hit. Medusa is good.

Nov 14, 2010
maybe its just cause storm is amazing but look on you tube you can find a thunder snake hitting one mill

Jan 13, 2012
Its a all in one hit. But remember you don't have to use your school spells to achieve it. You can use treasure cards. I am a level 90 fire wiz and have helped some of my lower level friends achieve this badge using an Efreet tc. Also using it on a low level creature. lol. Look me up somehow, Hunter Moonblade. And I will help ye young padawan. lol.