Blah, blah yeah i did a 2-hour run of tartarus. I am one of the people who actually enjoy tartarus, so it's not a big deal. However, when you do a 2-hour run of something you should at least get SOMETHING. My team and I finally beat poseidon and got our stuff. Nothing but 92 xp, so I just dismissed this as a bug or something, and luckily we respawned him, so that was good. Beat Hades a second time, nothing but 92 xp. Kingisle pls. Why do this battle if I am going to get absolutely nothing from it, except xp that i can get from most quests in the first world?!?!!
Blah, blah yeah i did a 2-hour run of tartarus. I am one of the people who actually enjoy tartarus, so it's not a big deal. However, when you do a 2-hour run of something you should at least get SOMETHING. My team and I finally beat poseidon and got our stuff. Nothing but 92 xp, so I just dismissed this as a bug or something, and luckily we respawned him, so that was good. Beat Hades a second time, nothing but 92 xp. Kingisle pls. Why do this battle if I am going to get absolutely nothing from it, except xp that i can get from most quests in the first world?!?!!
I agree.
I have a very low tolerance for annoying, cheat-y instances. But, even if I never see the gear, I wouldn't mind so much if the rewards I did get were worth the effort. There's no good reason that we should be getting mist wood and rank 5 pet snacks after a 2-hour slogfest.
Come on, KI~ we are not defeating a lost soul in Unicorn Way. So please, please make the drops worthwhile~ I'd love to get something other than junk.
I agree totally. I like doing it too but at an hour to two hours per run depending on the team you find we need more drops and please for the love of bob get rid of the senators drops for hades. Hardly anyone needs that gear and no one needs 5 or more sets of it. It's at the point that you almost get senators something or other from every dang boss! Please look at the drops and drop rate in this dungeon and do something. It's really taking the fun out of it. Please!!
Complaining, complaining. That is what is not cool. KingIsle worked very hard on that. I would appreciate it and be happy we actually had the possibly to get such nice gear.
If you are repeadedly getting only xp, your pack and bank were most likely full. As for needing multiple sets of Senator gear, to craft Aquila gear you do.
UPDATE: I did a second run, with 35/120 backpack space. Still nothing but xp :(.
Did you flee during the battle at all? If you leave after Hades dies but before others have died you will get nothing. That's true in all boss battles though.
Hades Is way more annoying then water works. I barley see people doing hades or I'm like there a while then 4 people come and just leave me. Then one time we were starting a 3 person hades but then the storm left because who didn't know what " Support run " was So that's how rude people are now and days.