I defeated this boss with one important stradegy that will help! First,bring many heals and not many attacks, treasure card heals will do just fine.second train into the death and ice school too get feint and tower shield.thirdly,only bring all bad guy attack!fourthly, use traps and blades in a pattern, trap the blade the trap and then blade etc....fifth,bring treasure card lvl 88 attacks if you run outta spells!
I really hope this works for you! Ps my name is Benjamin stormheart Lvl 73 on avalon, my favorite world!
I was lvl 74 at the time and i am a wiz so i found it easy for me to do cause i just used scarecrow on him and his minion and seriously i also beat him with my wiz and he was pretty easy so you must be doing something wrong guys. Bring heals if you need to. Good Luck!
if you ever cant beat a boss just find a friend that can assist you... i suggest finding a questing buddy, it goes by faster and makes the game more fun.