My wizard has reached level 50 at last, and I have gone to see Diego for the tutorial, however I feel like there are still a couple things I don't understand. I get the basics like that it doubles damage if a spell criticals, but I don't quite understand the critical rating system. So say I have a critical rating of 15, does this mean 15 percent or something else? And if it means something else then what? And how do I tell the percentage of chance I have of getting a critical?
My wizard has reached level 50 at last, and I have gone to see Diego for the tutorial, however I feel like there are still a couple things I don't understand. I get the basics like that it doubles damage if a spell criticals, but I don't quite understand the critical rating system. So say I have a critical rating of 15, does this mean 15 percent or something else? And if it means something else then what? And how do I tell the percentage of chance I have of getting a critical?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Julia Goldsmith lvl 50 secondary
Critical is tricky, here's a guide that should clear up some confusion.
My wizard has reached level 50 at last, and I have gone to see Diego for the tutorial, however I feel like there are still a couple things I don't understand. I get the basics like that it doubles damage if a spell criticals, but I don't quite understand the critical rating system. So say I have a critical rating of 15, does this mean 15 percent or something else? And if it means something else then what? And how do I tell the percentage of chance I have of getting a critical?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Julia Goldsmith lvl 50 secondary
The guide Matt posted should help you but for a quick look at your rating, go to your journal stats page and look at the critical rating section... mouse over the number shown and it will show you a breakdown of your critical rating in actual percentage points as well as showing you where those numbers come from. You can get stat boosts from a number of sources. Clothing, pets, wands, astral spells etc. can all give rating boosts. Something else to be aware of is that your critical rating can also effect your healing spells! This applies to all wizards but it's especially useful for a Life wizard such as yourself.
Thanks to all the help I got, I feel like I understand what I need to know about criticals. That was a great guide Matt thank you for posting that link, and thank you tucsonwizard for your information on critical healing as well.
Thanks to all the help I got, I feel like I understand what I need to know about criticals. That was a great guide Matt thank you for posting that link, and thank you tucsonwizard for your information on critical healing as well.
No need for thanks, I also play a Life wiz... help is what we do!
In a manner of speaking there is. It's all probability actually. I'll explain with a real situation. Let's say Chris has a 70% critical rating. That means that for each hit or heal that I use, I have a 70% chance to successfully critical. It does NOT mean that he will critical 7/10 times. Its a common misconception, but it doesn't work that way. Each event is independent of the previous. I can have 50% critical and still successfully critical every time I hit or heal because the events are not tied together.
The same concept applies to critical block. Let's say that Fred has a 50% block rating. This means that for every event that someone criticals, he has 50% chance to block it. It does NOT mean that he will block 5/10 times.
You may notice some people brag out their critical (oh I have 600 critical rating). That's great, but all it does it increase the chances of a critical. It does NOT increase the chances of getting past someone's critical block however. I always have to laugh at people who brag about this kind of stuff because it does not mean much. Reading between the lines is crucial to understanding this stuff (took me a while to figure it out myself).
My wizard has reached level 50 at last, and I have gone to see Diego for the tutorial, however I feel like there are still a couple things I don't understand. I get the basics like that it doubles damage if a spell criticals, but I don't quite understand the critical rating system. So say I have a critical rating of 15, does this mean 15 percent or something else? And if it means something else then what? And how do I tell the percentage of chance I have of getting a critical?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Julia Goldsmith lvl 50 secondary
Critical Rating is the chance of doubling your spell's damage. If you have 15 critical rating, that does not mean that you have 15% (I wish). Block Rating is the chance of blocking an enemy's critical attack. Block Rating has no use if the opponent never crits.
Once you equip items that increase your critical rating simple go to your character info (pressing c), and go to critical section, put mouse over the number and you see the current percentage.
My wizard has reached level 50 at last, and I have gone to see Diego for the tutorial, however I feel like there are still a couple things I don't understand. I get the basics like that it doubles damage if a spell criticals, but I don't quite understand the critical rating system. So say I have a critical rating of 15, does this mean 15 percent or something else? And if it means something else then what? And how do I tell the percentage of chance I have of getting a critical?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Julia Goldsmith lvl 50 secondary
Critical is when the power of the spell doubles the power but Critical Blocking reduces the power of critical(turns the power normal)makes sense? FlintBlueMender,Level52