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Limit the amount outfit changes!

Dec 23, 2008
I would like to start out by saying that I love the fact that Kingsisle has made it possible for players to set up outfits and quickly change between outfits instead of taking a while to make sure we have every piece of equipment we need equipped. But of course, there have been some people who find a way to turn a great thing into a complete annoyance. I am talking about the players who change outfits as fast as possible repeatedly in an attempt to make the game lag or to freeze other players' computers. My computer has frozen several times from these nuisances and in some cases, had to restart my computer. I propose that Kingsisle limits how quickly a player can change between outfits. Just like when it comes to chat and you can't say the same thing in quick succession, I am proposing that you apply that to the outfits and only allow a player to switch outfits once every 5-10 seconds. I believe that would eliminate any problems caused by those certain players. Thanks for reading!

Duncan Dragonglade
Duncan Frostblade
Duncan Mist


Thanks for your report! We are investigating the issue.
