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Fishing Tournament - Feb. 21, 2015!

Jun 27, 2014

‘Ello there, Wizards! Lucky Hookline here with an amazin’ opportunity an’ a fun event happening right here in Wizard101! We’re havin’ ourselves a fishin’ tournament and everyone’s invited!

Here’s what ya need ta’ do. On February 21st, 2015 from 12:01am to 11:59pm US Central, Log on to Wizard101 and start reeling in all the fish ya can! We’re offering big prizes for the best fishers in the game.

60,000 Crowns will go to the three lucky wizards who catch . . .
  • The Largest fish
  • The Shortest fish
  • The largest quantity of Epic fish (Blackberry Jellyfish, Boss Hog, Bubba Fish, Cranky Catfish, Errol Fynn, Goldfin-ger, Musushi, Polar Bear Acuda, Rune Fish, Silver Streak, Sturgeon General)

We’ll also be offering up 10,000 Crowns to the lucky wizards who angle up . . .
  • The most Dekoi type fish (Corroded Dekoi, Fabled Dekoi, Frost Dekoi, Jolted Dekoi, Mainstream Dekoi, Mud Dekoi)
  • The smallest Jellyfish type fish (Strawberry Jellyfish, Marmalade Jellyfish, Grape Jellyfish, and Blackberry Jellyfish)
  • The smallest Eel type fish (Dragon Eel and Krokotopian Eel)
  • The largest Codfather
  • The largest Todd Pole

Get your box and tackle ready, and claim your fame as the best fisher in the Spiral!

  1. We’ll be tracking all the fish received by our players on February 21st.
  2. We’ll total up the numbers here at KingsIsle, and on February 23rd, we’ll give out the awards and announce our winners
  3. Only fish that are successfully acquired by players from 12:01 am 21 February to 11:59pm US Central on 21 February will count toward the total. Any pre-existing fish will not count.
  4. Winners will be announced and awarded on 23 February.
  5. This contest is open to all (not just members) – just catch any fish on February 21st to enter.
  6. You may sell your fish or put them in your player housing after you acquire them.
  7. Fish are counted per character, not per account.
  8. Please contact community@wizard101.com if you have additional questions.
  9. In the case of a tie, the winners will be determined by who caught the winning-sized fish first.


Oct 12, 2011
Lets get this straight, I'm sorry, I do not speak or read English very well, the fish I fish to be recorded should be left in the home locker? If I sell them will also be counted?



You can keep or sell the fish you catch, either way, they will count.

Nov 19, 2009
Why wasnt this advertised or on the w101 website and On the w101 patch client? Lot more people would have been fishing yesterday had there been a notice on the Patch clients news window.

Jan 11, 2013
Maycast on Feb 23, 2015 wrote:
Why wasnt this advertised or on the w101 website and On the w101 patch client? Lot more people would have been fishing yesterday had there been a notice on the Patch clients news window.
This. Most of my friends didn't even know what I was talking about, even if they were hardcore fishers.

Aug 07, 2012
I sure would have loved to be in the fishing contest --had I known about it. Please give a little more notice as not every one is privy to their own computer. And like Maycast said-put it on the patch window. Please. Thank you.

Maycast on Feb 23, 2015 wrote:
Why wasnt this advertised or on the w101 website and On the w101 patch client? Lot more people would have been fishing yesterday had there been a notice on the Patch clients news window.
Thanks for the suggestion. We will try to do that next time.

Congratulations to all of our winners! Prizes have been awarded and names listed (including a top 50 leaderboard) on our blog.

