Im a level 84 death wizard and i simply cannot beat this monkey. If anyone has any advice for me or better yet would like to assist, i'm all ears for help.
Get Melt treasure cards and cast one on the first round on Ponce and an additional one every three rounds after that. This will prevent his entire cheat sequence as it begins with an ice cast. Use auras and no pip cost blades and traps so you can attack and continue defending against his cheat. I nearly beat him solo with this strategy, but he shielded against my death magic at the worst possible moment then defeated me.
With a team, this strategy beat Ponce very easily.
I am lvl 88 , and I beat him with my storm friend. I noticed the cheats, then later noticed that if your "mind is weakend" (Think i spelt weakned wrong but idc) you should pass. he will use an attack like normal. Also His death spell cheat, it will be weakened if you can put shields on you. Another way to weaken the cheat is to is put infection, or other reduce heals on him. Dispells work too. But if all else fails, I am here to help
Hi my wizard101 name is Brianna Ghost flame, , level 83 and I want to talk about this troubling monkey names Ponce DE Gibbon he cheats allot and at the time I was level 82. Like people/wizards it took me exactly one hour and 32 minutes to complete this guy. Kingsisle can you please make the guy a little bit easier not too hard nor too easy, just medium, ok? Well I hope you change it soon anyways good day Kingsisle.
-Brianna Ghostflame, , and level 83 (no open chat)
This is a bit late, but as soon as I saw the title of this post I had to come over here and ramble about how much I hate ponce de gibbon!! When I first went to fight him I thought he was a normal boss but NOPE! I was flipping out because of his healing cheat and was having trouble attacking him before he could do it. Luckily my friends came to the rescue
Hey and it's ok you posted late stormgem by the way now I'm in the new world also level 96, so I'm happy Plus things get way tougher oh my gosh when you come to the new world you have to defeat and solo to bosses with minions! . But, I'm sure you'll do very well in the new world well good luck, stormgem
Its simple Dont Solo Anything Over Avalon it gets really hard just get some friends to help and you should be fine
What?Ive been soloing all the worlds until i need support with a cheating boss or dungeon so...thats what i did with ponce i just got a friend to help me so we could both try to attack him.