Before I begin let me just say I love both Kingsisle and Wizard101. I have been with this game since late 2009 (not the same for message boards). I don't like how this game has became so competitive and serious now. For an example, just the other night I was having a 1v1 match with someone and they started getting all angry and upset because they lost. Back 5 years ago everyone was so nice and not caring about PVP. It's almost as if this game breathes and lives on PVP and stats. I remember seeing someone being made fun of because they had a "bad pet" that didn't give a damage increase, so the people making fun of him said he was weak. I don't ever remember there being bullies and mean people like this. Everyone is so tensed up in this game now and its kind of sad. This game is a good portion of my childhood, I remember being able to come online and just hang out with friends and do whatever and just talk to them and laugh and just be happy. I'm not hating on the game, just sharing my thoughts and feelings about it now. Does anyone feel this way too?
Before I begin let me just say I love both Kingsisle and Wizard101. I have been with this game since late 2009 (not the same for message boards). I don't like how this game has became so competitive and serious now. For an example, just the other night I was having a 1v1 match with someone and they started getting all angry and upset because they lost. Back 5 years ago everyone was so nice and not caring about PVP. It's almost as if this game breathes and lives on PVP and stats. I remember seeing someone being made fun of because they had a "bad pet" that didn't give a damage increase, so the people making fun of him said he was weak. I don't ever remember there being bullies and mean people like this. Everyone is so tensed up in this game now and its kind of sad. This game is a good portion of my childhood, I remember being able to come online and just hang out with friends and do whatever and just talk to them and laugh and just be happy. I'm not hating on the game, just sharing my thoughts and feelings about it now. Does anyone feel this way too?
Yep. I lost all of my good friends in this game because a couple became ultra-competitive and the rest got frustrated and left. It all started around Mirror Lake and just got progressively worse as time went on.
I don't even PvP, the PvE world has become infected with it as well. It's very sad.
I too still love the game, it's why I keep playing. But it's not the same place anymore. When I see people wandering around me when I'm in a duel, I hope they go away rather than join me because it seems like the only people that ever join are arrogant. They see your school and start telling you what spells to cast. I'm tired of people who think that people can only play the game their way. And sadly, if I look at it objectively, I'm just the flip side of the same coin. My perception of what's happening is making me just as intolerant, it's just being manifested in a different manner.
The "progression" of the game has changed many people, and typically not for the better. I wish I enjoyed playing with others the way I used to, but when you're finding friends in worlds after Zafaria, typically they don't have the same cool vibe people used to have 4 or 5 worlds ago. I miss it, and sadly I don't think we're getting it back because the direction things are going there is too much focus being put on trying to satisfy the insatiable needs of egocentric players with little regard given to the effect it has on other loyal customers.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I myself started playing in 2009 and those were the good old days..... Anyways, I also don't understand why people are being so rude and disrespectful now because as WIZARDS, we should all be looking out for each other and helping when the time comes. I remember when I was a low level wizard (I'm a Grandmaster Diviner now in Celestia) and would ask people to help me and they would, but now people are so conceited that they are higher levels, or have better pets, gear, etc. that they would quickly disregard you as a fellow player. You have to remember though, not everyone is a bad wizard. Some people are actually very kind (I have many higher level friends (Exalted) who would come on to play just to see if I need help with anything. I suggest that you continue playing no matter what because it's your fantasy life, your wizard, and YOUR decision to do whatever you want to do with it and it's no one else's buisness or job to tell you otherwise Have fun wizard-ing fellow 2009 wizard!
This is the reason why I don't do PVP. I don't like the attitude of many players. I also solo most of the quests. I'm happy to have occasional conversations with players, help out here and there, and I've known some really nice people (only in game), but I am not as social as I could be. Maybe that's the wrong attitude from my side as well though... If I tried to be more friendly and open to everyone, no matter their attitude, maybe I would be a good, positive example for other players.
I definitely think the game has become more selfish, especially in Darkmoor. I find a lot more players walk out of the graveyard dungeon if they don't like who they've been teamed up with and usually with no explanation. This happened to me recently and the three of us commented on how rude it was. I've also found players who say brb and don't leaving the other team members to soldier on and pick up the slack. I'm lucky that in my case these events are few and far between and most players wish to add me as friend so we can quest together or help each other in dungeons. The competition for latest drops has brought out some player's nasty side but we just have to let it wash over us and continue on with the real friends we've made on 101 Best Wishes James Griffinrider promethean Michael Stormhammer promethean Michael Dragonflame promethean
Before I begin let me just say I love both Kingsisle and Wizard101. I have been with this game since late 2009 (not the same for message boards). I don't like how this game has became so competitive and serious now. For an example, just the other night I was having a 1v1 match with someone and they started getting all angry and upset because they lost. Back 5 years ago everyone was so nice and not caring about PVP. It's almost as if this game breathes and lives on PVP and stats. I remember seeing someone being made fun of because they had a "bad pet" that didn't give a damage increase, so the people making fun of him said he was weak. I don't ever remember there being bullies and mean people like this. Everyone is so tensed up in this game now and its kind of sad. This game is a good portion of my childhood, I remember being able to come online and just hang out with friends and do whatever and just talk to them and laugh and just be happy. I'm not hating on the game, just sharing my thoughts and feelings about it now. Does anyone feel this way too?
i am with you.
when i started playing 4 years ago, things were very different. the game was relaxing and fun, a nice escape from reality after a stressful day at the office. everyone was so nice~ in fact, i met some of my dearest friends on these very boards, and people weren't afraid to be silly and have fun.
now, it's as if the hard-edged, elitist attitude present in the arena has poisoned the rest of the spiral from inside. the game has become a pvp-centric slogfest, in which one's worth is measured in stats and elite players bully those who lack their experience and/or resources. and i blame these ridiculous cheat instances (a la castle dread-more) for all of it, as they are at the root of the problem.
this is, by very definition, the embodiment of pvp: player versus player, every man for himself.
i am taking an indefinite break from running that instance; i'm just so sick of farming that even thinking about it puts me in a terrible mood and causes me extreme anxiety. i can't bring myself to do it again; the stress is just too much, a far cry from the reasons i have loved this game since the beginning.
as you said, i am not hating on the game; were that the case, i would not still be here. i want to love it, but ki has closed its doors to the casual player.
Before I begin let me just say I love both Kingsisle and Wizard101. I have been with this game since late 2009 (not the same for message boards). I don't like how this game has became so competitive and serious now. For an example, just the other night I was having a 1v1 match with someone and they started getting all angry and upset because they lost. Back 5 years ago everyone was so nice and not caring about PVP. It's almost as if this game breathes and lives on PVP and stats. I remember seeing someone being made fun of because they had a "bad pet" that didn't give a damage increase, so the people making fun of him said he was weak. I don't ever remember there being bullies and mean people like this. Everyone is so tensed up in this game now and its kind of sad. This game is a good portion of my childhood, I remember being able to come online and just hang out with friends and do whatever and just talk to them and laugh and just be happy. I'm not hating on the game, just sharing my thoughts and feelings about it now. Does anyone feel this way too?
Thats how this game was in the first place Every game no matter what year is going to have some negative portion of the community This game was made for kids So i do expect a LOT of kids running around trash talking As young as imature
I've only been playing about a year and a half so I obviously don't have the perspective that most of you have but in my limited experience I've learned to steer clear of PvP. I tried it a few times when I first started and I found that the majority of the opponents I faced were rude, abusive and basically just full of themselves. I get that it's good to be confident and proud of your accomplishments but I've always been of the opinion that you should just let your actions do the talking. It's easy to spot the PvP "experts" in PvE because in my experience they're the first ones to bail on an instance when they find the team to be, in their opinion, weak. It's almost like it's beneath them to fight with a lesser wizard. Every so often I think about trying PvP again so I'll sit in on a match or two and inevitably the rude comments start to fly. So for now, I'll just stick to questing, gardening, fishing etc., all of the things I ENJOY doing. I refuse to join in an activity that's going to be questionably enjoyable just so I can wear a PvP Warlord badge.
I disagree. I think the game is just fine and Castle DARKMOOR is an appropriate, optional challenge for the Exalted. I believe in the philosophy, "If you're not enjoying it, then don't do it". And if there are some aspects of the game you dislike, avoid them. Granted there are players who will get out of control by being overly competitive or with bullying, just as it is in real life. There will always be good-hearted and not so good-hearted players, and the longer the game is around, the more there will be of each. So pick and choose your friends and activities accordingly, then the game will be more enjoyable for you.
I totally agree with the OP. The game is not what it used to be. It has become more competitive, more complex, less friendly, and less fun. Sometimes more is less, I guess.
Yep. I lost all of my good friends in this game because a couple became ultra-competitive and the rest got frustrated and left. It all started around Mirror Lake and just got progressively worse as time went on.
I don't even PvP, the PvE world has become infected with it as well. It's very sad.
I too still love the game, it's why I keep playing. But it's not the same place anymore. When I see people wandering around me when I'm in a duel, I hope they go away rather than join me because it seems like the only people that ever join are arrogant. They see your school and start telling you what spells to cast. I'm tired of people who think that people can only play the game their way. And sadly, if I look at it objectively, I'm just the flip side of the same coin. My perception of what's happening is making me just as intolerant, it's just being manifested in a different manner.
The "progression" of the game has changed many people, and typically not for the better. I wish I enjoyed playing with others the way I used to, but when you're finding friends in worlds after Zafaria, typically they don't have the same cool vibe people used to have 4 or 5 worlds ago. I miss it, and sadly I don't think we're getting it back because the direction things are going there is too much focus being put on trying to satisfy the insatiable needs of egocentric players with little regard given to the effect it has on other loyal customers.
I may be wrong, but that's how it feels to me.
I'm sorry you have lost some friends, I know the feeling. I feel the same exact way you do with the game right now. Honestly, if it wasn't for a few other people I would not be playing anymore. I'm glad to find some other people that feel/think the same way I do about this situation.
Thats how this game was in the first place Every game no matter what year is going to have some negative portion of the community This game was made for kids So i do expect a LOT of kids running around trash talking As young as imature
I agree on the part where you said pretty much all games have a negative portion in their community. However, (not trying to be mean) your not a old/veteran player like I am. If you had played this game and experienced what I did back in 2009-2010 you would know that this game was filled with awesome and relaxed people. The community use to be just flat out amazing.
I am an old school player myself and I enjoy the game. Unfortunately many players seem to conflate "elitist" and "PvP warlord" with the nastiness and rudeness the OP has noted. I am a competitive PvP "elitist" that enjoys the tougher challenges in DM and other high-end raid content. However my preference in activity and play style does not define me as a person. I have found other players who share my preferences and many players who don't and we still manage to enjoy the game together. Rude nasty people will be rude and nasty people whether in PvP or PvE.
I agree on the part where you said pretty much all games have a negative portion in their community. However, (not trying to be mean) your not a old/veteran player like I am. If you had played this game and experienced what I did back in 2009-2010 you would know that this game was filled with awesome and relaxed people. The community use to be just flat out amazing.
Actually you are wrong I played a different account in the year 2009 up to 2013 then i quit Came back to year 2014 with a new account
My family has been playing since beta, and its been interesting experiencing the many different players with good, great, and not-so great attitudes over the years.
When the game first came out, the majority of folks I encountered were all amazing, with great attitudes. But over the years I seem to encounter more players trapped on the islands of gimmiegimmiegimmie, what'sinitforme, I'mouttaherecausethisistoohard, and Iknoweverythingbutyoudon'tandIdon'tcareifyou'rerightandI'mwrong.
My family still plays, and we continue to team and help cool, fun players, and just smile when encountering players trapped on any of the islands mentioned above; because folks like that always move on to find something else they'll be equally or greater dissatisfied with.
Casual players are the community builders. They were afforded very little protection over the years.
As I evaluate it, the highest concentration of negative changes happened in Spring 2012, Fall 2012, and Spring 2013. These were events that chased the casuals away.
Chronologically, it unfolded like this:
Avalon + new crafting recipes + utility spells released. Big problems happened with the game balance, perhaps the biggest of which was Ice could gain immunity to both Fire and Storm schools. Armor piercing had not reached a level that it made any practical difference.
The Keeper's Lore pack. You know this better as the source of Jade gear, which unfortunately has been the bane of casual players. It is used as insurance to prevent losses, and to lengthen PvP matches to hours-long bee sting battles. It represents pay-to-win opportunism at its worst. Again, piercing wasn't yet viable tactic, so the game balance suffered and Jades drove casual PvP competitors away in droves. It also gave Death wizards a way to exploit Cloak's card-multiplying ability on their utility spell, Bad Juju (also see Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C). This is a problem that has been flat-out ignored for years.
2nd Age PvP. It was quickly apparent that the matching system was rather inept at pairing opponents of equal ability and skill. This problem is still largely unaddressed, and keeps the community-builders miles and miles away from the Arena.
Reshuffle 1x. I mention this because this revision was made in Spring 2013. That means players were exploiting Reshuffle to create infinitely looping matches foryearsbeforetheproblemwasaddressed. Community builders have no interest in endless PvP. That's a competitive player perk they want no part of.
Note, I didn't write this to complain about what's fair and what's not, and I won't answer replies about that either. I'm pointing out that these changes chased off many of the game's community builders, and that competitives now have the lion's share.