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Should I Should I get Berserk?

May 19, 2014
So as a Balance I've been considering Berserk since all we get is hex. But at the same time I heard that Berserk leaves you vulnerable to more damage than the damage your next move will do. Not that but it works for four Rounds. Unsure whether I should get it or no.

Jan 25, 2015
well honestly I wouldn't I already have a hard time as it is

Oct 09, 2011
Dec 26, 2013
Valdus Spell on Apr 29, 2015 wrote:
So as a Balance I've been considering Berserk since all we get is hex. But at the same time I heard that Berserk leaves you vulnerable to more damage than the damage your next move will do. Not that but it works for four Rounds. Unsure whether I should get it or no.
Berserk can be a handy spell if you use it wisely. For my wizards I make sure to use it when I know I have a pretty decent resist to whatever school the enemy is. If you plan ahead and shield up before you cast it, like you might when using a feint, things should be fine. Also, you can cast another aura spell the following round and eliminate the negative. Really it's only bad if you happen to cast a hit-all spell and they all retaliate on the next round.

Aug 20, 2011
When I was Balance Level 70-85 (pre-Aquila release), I used Berserk. I just made sure to only use it when my enemies didn't have any pips. What are they going to do to you if they only have 3-4 pips each? With my Balance's health and critical block, there wasn't much they could do to bring me down.

Sep 17, 2012
Infallible is more useful as an aura for Balance in my opinion.

Feb 07, 2011
i never trained berserk myself~ it's pretty useless for all schools, imo, since it boosts incoming enemy damage as well as outgoing for 4 whole rounds; i just trained death to feint instead.


Nov 28, 2010
I never trained it. So I would say no. Doesn't mean I'm right, just that's how much I personally value the spell.

Jan 11, 2012
The only time I found it useful for my strategy of gameplay, is for the One in a Million badge. When members were able to resell all their spells, I cleared out a ton of useless spells. The big problem is, what you need NOW, you might not need in 10 levels, so you're better off getting rtreasure cards instead of wasting TP

Jul 29, 2009
Keep in mind not only does it increase incoming damage, but it increases incoming more than it does outgoing. Terrible spell unless you have really high resistance imo.