i am using a 2year old Mac that has never given me any problems. My internet is not the fastest but it ain't slow either. However, it takes me at least 15seconds to go from one place to another on wiz and for group Pvp I am always last (this I don't mind much but now that I'm making a myth wiz I want to go first). At first I thought it was because my laptop was pretty full so I moved all my pictures and documents to a hard disk but nothing changed. Deleted and re downloaded the game too. It's not my internet's problem too cause even when I'm using my University's fast internet it still takes forever to go from one place to another. Help pls? Thanks
I've been having a similar issue. It all started when I allowed Windows to install the upgrade application for Windows 10. Every time I launched my computer the application would launch as well. After checking in Task Manager I found a process called GWX.exe. This is the executable that runs the application. Once I shut it down, I launched Wizard101 and found the lag was resolved.