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master account

Jun 15, 2009
I am currently the master account, is there a way I can make someone else in the family of accounts the master account? Also, I have enabled the parental controls, is there a way I can disable it?


Once a family account is created and accounts are added to them we are unable to unlink the sub accounts or switch which account is the family master.

To Enable Parental Controls on your or your child's account you will first need to login on our website and click on the "My Accounts" link.

Once in My Accounts you will need to click on the "Create Master Password" button on the right side of the screen. Note: If you are logging in for the first time, you may be automatically prompted to create a Master Password. Just follow the onscreen prompts!

In addition to creating a Master Password, you will also be asked to supply a Master Email address. Please use a valid e-mail address that your children cannot access. Otherwise, our security features won't be able to protect the account!

After completing the form, you should see this message: "Account management, parental controls and purchasing now enabled"

Once the Master Password has been set, it will be required to make any significant changes on the account, including making purchases or modifying chat settings. Please carefully review all of the options available to you under the "Manage" and "Parental Controls" tab within the "My Accounts" section of our website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to support@wizard101.com so that we might provide further assistance.
