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May 07, 2015
i did all of my spell quests up to level 48 but i did not get the master of fire badge has this happened to any one else

Mar 07, 2009
I would first try using the feature "quest finder" to make sure you didn't miss any quests by mistake. Also, make sure you have all of the fire spells that are currently available to you! Some spots that may be frequently missed by fellow wizards are:

- Sabrina Greenstar at the Wizard City Fairgrounds

- Mortis the Death School tree in Nightside

- Mildred Farseer in Colossus Boulevard (To get to Mildred, go to the first "clearing" in Colossus Boulevard and find the NPC Mindy Pixiecrown. If you stand behind her and face forwards, you should see a path leading down to a single house with its lights on.)

-Croaky in Digmoore Station (Go to Digmoore Station and find the NPC Mayor Pimsbury. Behind him, there should be some stairs going down, which will lead to the Air Dales Hideaway.)

Good luck, and I hope I was able to help to some degree!

Jan 23, 2011
You might be a missing spell. Here's a checklist for the Fire Spells from secret trainers -
(Make sure you have all these~)

- Fire Shield (Sabrina Greenstar)
- Fuel (Erik Wyldrune in Grizzleheim)
- Quench (Given by Mildred Farseer in Colossus Blvd)
- Take Power (Given by Croaky in Digmoore Station)
- Tranquilize (Given by Mortis)

Sorry if I missed any cx
But yeh, make sure you have all of those. c: