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Curious About a Some Things...

Jan 04, 2016
So, I'm curious about a few things, maybe a Moderator could easily answer, or someone may know.

  1. How long does it take KI to answer support problems/tickets?
  2. Is it possible to delete one specific account on a family account? If so, how?
  3. If not, can KI delete just the one account on the family account or is it the entire account?
  4. If it IS The entire account as a whole can they possibly just transfer one account to the other?

I know, some of these questions may seem redundant, but I'm honestly curious.

Thanks! :D

Kat the Life Wizard

Alura Soulthorn Lvl 15


When you send a support ticket you will receive an automatic reply with a ticket number. Once you've received that, it may take up to 48 hours for a response.

We don't "delete" accounts. Members that want to end (cancel) their Memberships please see How do I end my Membership? for assistance.

Once a family account is created and accounts are added to them we are unable to unlink the sub accounts or switch which account is the family master. So no, you can't switch from one family of accounts to another.
