Ooh... lets see what you have here :) Key: Yes - I love it Okay - I like it No - It needs to be improved or I don't agree
1. Okay 2. No - I think it is fine to do this. Many (not all) wizards 1-30 who PVP thrive on moving pets through shared bank. They would drop in rank. 3. Okay 4. Okay 5. Okay 6. No - I think it's okay to have those - I used them all the time and so do my friends. Maybe 8 & up removed, but 4 & up in my opinion is too many tc removals. 7. Yes!!!!!! 8. Okay - Personally, I want to remove bad juju from PVP, but yours is still good. 9. Yes!!! 10. Okay
11. No - I think you should at least keep some. 12. Yes!!! 13. Yes!!! 14. Okay 15. Okay 16. Okay - I'd be interested to see what different this makes! 17. No - As I said in #2, it is basically the same here. 18. No - Almost everything I am wearing is Crowns gear - it would be hard to find something other than it. It'd change lots of factors of PVP too. 19. Yes!!!!! 20. No - That would change a lot.
If you have any questions about my feedback simply just ask me, and I'll reply :) Cool ideas :D
PVP Wizards ~ Kelsey SilverTail 40 & Previous Knight & Current (not exactly sure, corporal I think) ~ Mindy OwlCoin 22 & Previous Knight & Current Sergeant
1. Okay 2. No, sharing pets is too valuable in the game even for people who don't pvp. 3. Okay 4. Okay 5. If you think minions are that major, okay 6. No, tc are important to pvp and getting rid of them would be pretty bad. 7. There's still pet talents, item cards, and myth wizards for shatter 8. Maybe 2 turn cooldowns for juju and dispels 9. Okay 10. Why would that be banned? It's fine to use sacrifice to get rid of feints and heal 11. 6, get rid of the ones that should be banned like elucidate 12. Okay 13. Replace royal gear in crowns shop with no stats veterans gear 14. Okay 15. #8 16. Isn't that just a tc weakness? 17. No, that would make pvp less popular, and there's already a tournament for that 18. No, low level pvp thrives on crowns gear 19. Sure, why not 20. No, that would make people pretty mad if they had to follow the no mastery amulet and no pet rules.
1. Okay 2. No, sharing pets is too valuable in the game even for people who don't pvp. 3. Okay 4. Okay 5. If you think minions are that major, okay 6. No, tc are important to pvp and getting rid of them would be pretty bad. 7. There's still pet talents, item cards, and myth wizards for shatter 8. Maybe 2 turn cooldowns for juju and dispels 9. Okay 10. Why would that be banned? It's fine to use sacrifice to get rid of feints and heal 11. 6, get rid of the ones that should be banned like elucidate 12. Okay 13. Replace royal gear in crowns shop with no stats veterans gear 14. Okay 15. #8 16. Isn't that just a tc weakness? 17. No, that would make pvp less popular, and there's already a tournament for that 18. No, low level pvp thrives on crowns gear 19. Sure, why not 20. No, that would make people pretty mad if they had to follow the no mastery amulet and no pet rules.
I agree with you on most of them. I like your ideas with #8. However, for number 16, I think that for Orthurus users, this should be trainable. For number 5, I just think it will give Storm a better chance, and half of the minions are already banned. For shatter, it will make the card way less obtainable. I agree with your opinion on 6, though Eludicate only can be obtained twice in the entire game. I think that the pet is really what sets people ahead, and it would make a balance if the pet were not spcifically bred for pvp
I agree with you on most of them. I like your ideas with #8. However, for number 16, I think that for Orthurus users, this should be trainable. For number 5, I just think it will give Storm a better chance, and half of the minions are already banned. For shatter, it will make the card way less obtainable. I agree with your opinion on 6, though Eludicate only can be obtained twice in the entire game. I think that the pet is really what sets people ahead, and it would make a balance if the pet were not spcifically bred for pvp
Thank you Mythali126 and YaManTeka for responding
Elude can only be obtained twice? Eh not exactly. There are plenty of wizards with awesome PVP pets that will hatch their pet with yours for a bunch of Elucidates. Still others find Elucidate via the bazaar, although it's quite rare. Personally, I have gathered about 11 Elucidates so far after only a few weeks, and I'm not even trying really.
As per your suggestions:
#7: Absolutely. If this happens, bye bye Jades, and that's a good thing. #8: Eh. Prefer a complete ban on Bad Juju, or at the very least for it to be made uncloakable. #2: No way. Unless #17 becomes a reality, you would only be helping the players that have already completed the process of leveling their pets via the Shared bank. #15: I'm cool with that. #16: Sure why not. Would make it a half decent card again for my Prodigious . #20: Mastery Amulets in my experience are only a real advantage in lower-level PVP. I am undecided on this. #17: This will never happen, and you will not get much support from PVP'ers concerning this. There's a whole side to PVP and pet leveling, from mega snacks via gardening to fishing to farming for gold for brass for pet jewels, which people have spent actual money on, for disabling pets to ever happen in Ranked PVP.
However I wouldn't mind some over-the-top maycast talent pets, like maycast Shatter, maycast Enfeeble, or maycast Sanctuary (yes they exist) being banned, but I don't see that happening either.
#5: Not necessary. There's nothing stopping you from using a minion too. #1: Not quite. A restriction upon buying Astral TC until you reach the level where they are trainable is better. So, you wouldn't be able to buy Fortify TC until you reach level 50, Infallible TC until level 54, Vengeance TC until level 56, and so on. #11, #6: I concur with everyone else; only the ones that should be banned like Elucidate / Simplify, Shatter, Guardian Spirit, Bad Juju, Fire Beetle, Icebird / Frozen Bats, Life Scarab, Storm Beetle, etc.
1. nope; how else would a mid-level wizard not in commander gear ever get through that massive resist? 2. nope, though there should be level restrictions on pets with critical; 3. ok; 4. ok; 5. nope; 6. are you kidding me? what about exalted/prodigious matches? 7. how else is a balance wizard without shrike supposed to counter a shield spammer? 8. this, i can get behind; 9. if i have to complete some long, cheaty instance to get a spell, i should be allowed to use it in any form; 10. nope; 11. this should definitely be an option; at least level-restrict certain ones. 12. how about get rid of pvp gear completely? 13. why not make it for cosmetic purposes only? 14. you are not an npc; 15. what are you hoping to accomplish with this? 16. this is already an option from pet/item cards; 17. no, although there should be level restrictions on certain talents; 18. yes to this~ pay to win is not cool, mmkay? 19. for cosmetic purposes only; 20. yessss! 10/10 will not happen though, since ki makes money this way.
4. Give second turn player a 4 round conviction for free
5. Disable minions in pvp
6. Remove all treasure cards above rank 4
7. Remove shatter tc from pvp
8. Create a 3 turn cooldown for bad juju
9. Remove shadow spell tcs
10. Disable using sacrafice on self
11. Completely remove all tcs
12. Make Veterans Gear Knights Gear and Commander Gear Warlord Gear
13. Completely drop Veterans Gear and make Commander Gear Warlord Gear
14. Make beguile no pvp
15. Disable any dispels from Mildred Farseer
16. Make weakness -30 instead of -25
17. Disable all pets
18. Remove all crowns gear
19. Make an Any Level Dueling Gear Set
20. Remove all mastery amulets
These are my ideas. My favorites are 1, 4 , 2, and 13. My least favorites are 5, 18, 10, and 17.
Tell me if you agree or disagree or simply have something to add
Consider these ideas
i only with one of your ideas,like: #17, PVP means player vs player. not pet vs pet some pets are OP with unicorn fairy and sprite maycasts in one pet. you dont need help from a pet, especially pets that have high maycasts.
The thing that really is needed to be done is take out shadow enhanced spells, and critical in PvP. Balancing PvP is very hard to do at this time. PvP would be fine if they just got rid of critical and shadow enhanced spells. It would for sure drive in a lot more players. Most players like PvP predarkmoor, and the darkmoor gear isn't the issue, it's the spells and critical. To sum up my thoughts, they have to start small and give an effort in the PvP. The new critical system was the worst update as it destroys mid level PvP. Kings isle needs to invest in a PvP department as well.
4. Give second turn player a 4 round conviction for free
5. Disable minions in pvp
6. Remove all treasure cards above rank 4
7. Remove shatter tc from pvp
8. Create a 3 turn cooldown for bad juju
9. Remove shadow spell tcs
10. Disable using sacrafice on self
11. Completely remove all tcs
12. Make Veterans Gear Knights Gear and Commander Gear Warlord Gear
13. Completely drop Veterans Gear and make Commander Gear Warlord Gear
14. Make beguile no pvp
15. Disable any dispels from Mildred Farseer
16. Make weakness -30 instead of -25
17. Disable all pets
18. Remove all crowns gear
19. Make an Any Level Dueling Gear Set
20. Remove all mastery amulets
These are my ideas. My favorites are 1, 4 , 2, and 13. My least favorites are 5, 18, 10, and 17.
Tell me if you agree or disagree or simply have something to add
Consider these ideas
Personally many of these "How To Improve PvP" Advices are mostly one sided (Revolve around the player's character). People need to see the big picture, to improve PvP not turning them into YOUR paradise.
1) Personally Spells TC in PvP can be a little over the top for Any Tier. Though Spells maybe the same for Low Level PvP, I don't think they should ban them since other Tier players might need to use them and the best damage boosting Star Spell is already non-PvP
2) This doesn't just affect PvPers, many non PvP player will be affect by this selfishness.
3)Personally people will just pack Tc versions of it.
4)No, it will either change the whole mechanic and the First Round SuperNova!
5)Well, the strongest minions in the game have been Banned, both their original Spell and Tc. The weaker ones I believe is actually not that broken in PvP.
6) Personally I like it when they allow Wizard to cast high rank spells. It gives different strategy and make the game unique. P.S. Low Levels cannot cast Shadow Enchance Spells
7) Well I don't know how to judge this.
8)No, it will change the whole game mechanic.
9)Yes and No. (Gonna Be Long)
10) Agree. They already have "Drain" to heal themselves
11)No (Please refer to 6) )
12)Actually it doesn't make any difference. It takes a lot of Tickets to buy them.
13)Refer to 12)
14) No, its annoying yes. But it doesn't have 100% accuracy and also have some down sides.
15) Never.
16) This will affect PVE experience. And I don't know how much will it change PvP
17) No. There is a tourney for that.
18) This is highly debate able. But I doubt KI will want to make their Paying Players Angry.
19) Long overdue for a new one.
20)No, it actually makes the game unique. And negative impact on PVE experience.
So in conclusion. Some players will complain and wants a NERF on almost EVERYTHING that will be used against them in PvP. Mainly hoping to make PvP into their OWN KINGDOM and they are better than others there.
1. nope; how else would a mid-level wizard not in commander gear ever get through that massive resist? 2. nope, though there should be level restrictions on pets with critical; 3. ok; 4. ok; 5. nope; 6. are you kidding me? what about exalted/prodigious matches? 7. how else is a balance wizard without shrike supposed to counter a shield spammer? 8. this, i can get behind; 9. if i have to complete some long, cheaty instance to get a spell, i should be allowed to use it in any form; 10. nope; 11. this should definitely be an option; at least level-restrict certain ones. 12. how about get rid of pvp gear completely? 13. why not make it for cosmetic purposes only? 14. you are not an npc; 15. what are you hoping to accomplish with this? 16. this is already an option from pet/item cards; 17. no, although there should be level restrictions on certain talents; 18. yes to this~ pay to win is not cool, mmkay? 19. for cosmetic purposes only; 20. yessss! 10/10 will not happen though, since ki makes money this way.
wouldn't matter because ice is a tank school (tank school post to high defense talent) that what tank do to win pvp because awful offense skill but able to win because defense stronger (defeat higher renovation) but ice don't need be defense, if they don't want too they be good at offense by minimal of between others school mostly like but ice don't have insane bolt but do have snow drift useful spell mostly vs balance because counter then spam heal!
also ice most stealthy class others then being tanking/offense and stealthy one of best class because close to Assassin, they have good power switch they are able turn themselves invisible!
master school of ice (all about playing trick to win) friendly with school of myth and also iceboost on death!
vs ice wizard don't use shield that symbol of: storm & ice because able remove ice shield because steal ward (ice shield come last) so, be careful using those double shield spell because never know others school be use jewel of that spell or treasure cards (balance do use: ice mastery amulet) they want to stun people (they will use stun spell)
second: i don't think going remove shadow magic spell because could be more spell that you don't like could also break pvp even more! no point for ice having shield spell all the time when get a new spell because of armor pierce break pvp anyways because more worst!
don't forget about mount with stat because since a new thing in spiral the most! mount with stat cause pvp more risk mostly armor pierce!
only school i choice need to be fix in start fresh new set of spell, i would pick: myth/life because struggle those school and fire struggle too just little bit when get into wintertusk (take so much damage out of there heath when get critical on in wintertusk!
After my first experience in the arena doing PvP yesterday as a level 14 Ice Wizard, and going against someone who threw Orthrus at me, I think the only way you can balance PvP is to strip everyone of their gear and pets when they enter the arena, and have everyone use only what spells they know in their deck. You'll have no damage enhancers, no gear that will boost your hit points, no nothing. Just what spells are in your deck. That would make it fair for everyone.
Right now as it stands, there's no way for my Private to make Sgt. to get Conviction. It's literally impossible when the people who are being "ranked against me" are so far above my level gear wise that it's hysterical. How else can you have a level 2 at the top of the leader boards except through cheating their way to the top?
The only way I can see around this is to add something to the PvP arena so that it will give you a computer controlled opponent, and that will allow you to increase your rankings without having to face other players who have nothing better to do than to spend real life cash on crowns, in order to buy gear so that they can decimate other opponents half their age.
Just my opinion, which might be slightly bitter because I lost 5 times in a row yesterday against people who had spells that were level 50+.