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Where to find stone skeloten key in sunken city

Jan 24, 2010

Recently I heard there was a new quest added in the game. I was curious and i looked at the drops for it. So I went to sunken cit and saw where the boss battle was. But in order to do it you need a key of sorts. I did the whole dungeon and found no key. Does anyone know where it is?

Feb 19, 2013
Stone skeleton keys are dropped by bosses throughout Avalon and Zigazag which are level 70+ worlds.

May 07, 2015
what level are you?. if your level 60 or above go farm the house of scales. if not. well. your kinda out of luck. sorry. hope its help you!

if someone makes you mad. use fire from above on them. that'll teach them!

May 07, 2015
oh by the way its city not cit

Dec 12, 2015
indyjunior on Feb 26, 2016 wrote:

Recently I heard there was a new quest added in the game. I was curious and i looked at the drops for it. So I went to sunken cit and saw where the boss battle was. But in order to do it you need a key of sorts. I did the whole dungeon and found no key. Does anyone know where it is?
I bet you're new to skeleton keys.

There are different kinds of skeleton keys separating into 3 different types, wooden, stone, and gold. Each has a purpose to open a certain door within a certain dungeon or world. The stone skeleton key can be found from certain mobs or bosses that you can check on the wiki. Likewise, you get these keys from other areas than the place that you are currently in, sunken city does not provide such keys.

May 12, 2009
I believe you are referring to the Skeleton Key Boss, Simon the Sayer. He is a new addition to the wizarding world, but you will not be able to receive the Stone Skeleton Key from Grubb, or any other monsters within Sunken City. These keys are dropped by certain bosses across the Spiral, usually connected with the four dungeons. Here is the information for the Stone Skeleton Key, including who drops it.


Best of luck!