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Low Levels in the Gold Key Room

Mar 29, 2012
I am not sure if this is a glitch or an oversight, or if KI just decided it was ok, but lately there have been a lot of low levels teaming up for the Polaris key room. Now, I don't have a problem with lower levels, I am the kind of wizard that likes to help, but this is a real problem. This is one of the most difficult battles in the game right now, and it is completely unfair for a level 50 to expect the rest of the team to carry them through. It's a struggle for 4 max! (but, i like the challenge plz don't make it easier) Then, if you leave because there is no way it can work with that team, you have to wait 10 minutes. This isn't cool KI, I am asking if you would please consider the situation and think about restricting access to level 100 and above. Thanks, Amber

Mar 29, 2012
Lots of other wizards are complaining about this in game, no one here has any thoughts?

Oct 24, 2012
I did this fight with a full team of level 70. Two lifes, in the middle, storm went in second round. And i, myth, went in the first spot along with the lifes. I would use shatter the round storm would tempest and we ended up killing the sentinel in two hits. Lower levels aren't the problem, it's your strategy.

Sep 17, 2012
Leicrex on Apr 22, 2016 wrote:
I did this fight with a full team of level 70. Two lifes, in the middle, storm went in second round. And i, myth, went in the first spot along with the lifes. I would use shatter the round storm would tempest and we ended up killing the sentinel in two hits. Lower levels aren't the problem, it's your strategy.
That's not the norm. A team of level 70's with a preset strategy may well be able to complete it. That doesn't address lower levels that join and aren't able to contribute.