Hello, I have been farming loremaster for the past 3 days, and haven't gotten 1 spell yet. Is the drop rate percentage available? This is getting annoying.
Farming can be understandably frustrating; but its also not for everyone.
I wish I could throw in the towel after only three days, but the first time I saw Loremaster drop a spell; I knew I had to have them all! So, I spent over three years farming until I obtained all the spells, as drops or crafting; and have no regrets..
The best recommendation I can offer is farm Loremaster every now and again. If you want to farm Loremaster and also earn the Team Player Badge, click on the Team Up Pillar outside the Bazaar, and just keep rejoining teams headed into fight Loremaster. The bottom line; its a win-win for you!
when i am balance 35 level and versus with balance guy, i notice he use loremaster perm spell and i was asked him did he get loremaster perm spell from loremaster second chest. he said nope craft but how heck he did craft it even he is 35 level!? i know it is require legendary artisan to craft perm spell! i wanna loremaster perm spell for pvp so bad!
ik but the drops are completely random. The chance rates stay the same. Id say that the chances of you getting a spell from that noob is 0.5%. Ive literally farmed off the loremaster for 2-3 years and im still angry because I got 2 spells but its not the one im looking for... aka Loremaster cus im a balance wizard and balance wizards dominate at 1v1.
I fully understand your pain. I have been farming the Loremaster for quite a while, but nonetheless it's really just luck that determines the stuff you get. I have had friends who received spells rather quickly, while others only got two spells after months of farming... and even then they were spells that they didn't want. I wish you good luck, though.
I've been after this elusive spell for some time, myself. After using a popular search engine, I've found some pretty extensive efforts have gone into analyzing these drops. A spell drops an average of once every 20-30 duels / chests. (When farming other rare items, such as pets, I've gotten the impression that the minimum drop rate is around 3% - about 1 in 30 - in this game.)
The Loremaster drops 14 different spells. The last spell people get from her seems to take about the same effort as the first drop. This means that the game must determine if you get a spell, then it gives you one that you don't yet have. The more spells you have on this list, the better the chance your next drop will be one you're after.
It takes around five minutes per duel for this boss. Figure that you'll get roughly one spell every three hours. It might be zero, or it might be two or more. With skilled friends, you can duel a lot more often, in which case the average rate may be as high as once every couple of hours.
I've been farming for Loremaster spell too.. I don't care much about the drop rates eventually we will get the spells/ but what irks me the most.. is that, you can be farming for days, spamming crowns on Loremaster chest and not get the spell you want, but get a spell that you will never use on a certain character it's like a waste of time and money. why give a drop that is useless to a certain school. I rather transfer those permanent spells to the right character that could be use of it. Like I got Winter Moon and Handsome Fomori on my Balance character, and on my Ice I got Lord of night, and Savage Paw..... Like when will I ever use either of these spells on either characterI think that certain spells that get dropped should be fixed. Drop Permanent school spells to the Appropriate school. I hope this issue can be addressed, fixed, and known to another gamer in the game like myself. I'm pretty sure there's a variety of people that have or feel the same about this.
I've been farming for Loremaster spell too.. I don't care much about the drop rates eventually we will get the spells/ but what irks me the most.. is that, you can be farming for days, spamming crowns on Loremaster chest and not get the spell you want, but get a spell that you will never use on a certain character it's like a waste of time and money. why give a drop that is useless to a certain school. I rather transfer those permanent spells to the right character that could be use of it. Like I got Winter Moon and Handsome Fomori on my Balance character, and on my Ice I got Lord of night, and Savage Paw..... Like when will I ever use either of these spells on either characterI think that certain spells that get dropped should be fixed. Drop Permanent school spells to the Appropriate school. I hope this issue can be addressed, fixed, and known to another gamer in the game like myself. I'm pretty sure there's a variety of people that have or feel the same about this.
Dropping spells only to their school doesn't solve anything. A lot of players use mastery and want specific off school spells too. Farming for the spells costs nothing. You get free chances at lore spells. If you want a specific spell, craft it like many others do.
Hello, I have been farming loremaster for the past 3 days, and haven't gotten 1 spell yet. Is the drop rate percentage available? This is getting annoying.
yah its like why even do it no matter what spells you want is dropped there. but that's the only way it can be obtained if you can't craft it so basically its like why its even a spell if I can't get it lol.
no but really its all chance just keep farming but don't kill yourself at the dungeon all day, everyday.
I just got to Dragonspyre and encountered Loremaster for the first time. Lets just say I will be licking my wounds for some time . I am level 47 and would love some advice as a Balance player I find it difficult at times to go against these higher level challenges.
Any insight would be great especially after reading this thread.
I just got to Dragonspyre and encountered Loremaster for the first time. Lets just say I will be licking my wounds for some time . I am level 47 and would love some advice as a Balance player I find it difficult at times to go against these higher level challenges.
Any insight would be great especially after reading this thread.
Loremaster is easy enough in a group. If you want to hit as a Balance, use Spectral Blast (or Chimera if you have it). Killing the Font of Weakness first is pretty ideal. It likes to spam weakness charms.
If you're fighting solo, you'll want to use Tower Shields for defense, since Loremaster uses every school. Make sure you go first; flee and restart if you don't.
Put Steal Charms in your sideboard. Cast this on the first round to steal the +50% damage charm that the Font of Strength cheat casts. The following round, hammer the Font of Weakness with Judgment. If you were lucky, it just threw a -50% heal charm on you, and will get blown to bits by your first hit. After this, Steal Charm again to get the next +50% damage charm. Throw feints and blades every other round in between stealing charms. With a Feint and TC Feint on her, and the +50% damage charm, a single Spectral Blast should wipe out Loremaster herself. Once this is done, finish off the other fonts at your leisure - they do not hit.