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Hardest Boss

Aug 05, 2013
What is your hardest boss that you hate and just defeats you all the time? Post here no "lol that boss was ez bro i 1 round shot him ez ez ez ez ez haa".

For me Belloq and Jabberwock. I walked into them blindly because i was on a rampage soloing bosses. When Jabberwock used his 2400 meteor strike, i was like WHAT. Then the storm elemantal did 1k with wild bolt and i was sent whimpering back to caliburn. Belloq is the same thing, but that RA just absolutely destroyed me im a balance wiz too.

May 25, 2013
As a baby wizard, I always wondered why Dr. Von hated RoboShane so much when there was the steal charm strategy. Then I did it with a myth, death, and another life from team up. RoboShane was the bane of my free time D:

Sep 17, 2012
On my first wizard, Ice, I would have to say the same. Belloq and Jabberwock were definitely roadblocks for me on my first time through. Long before teamup existed, and with very few friends at the same level it was nearly impossible to solo. Jabberwock, I got a low level friend to help me "cheat" my way through it on my first wizard. He would port to me and not join the fight until I needed to flee. I would kill the minion, flee, hit, flee, hit, until I finally killed him. He would only stay in the battle to keep it alive while I used a potion and returned. Took a while, but I finally made it through.

Nov 22, 2015
Belloq with me was a crazy story. I was with a max, and around the time he attacked, I always died. We kept trying until I eventually decided to get somebody else's help since he had already helped me so much.