I was just wondering what everyone's favorite Spell in the game is. Personally, I chose a spell from my school of focus, Storm , and that is the Leviathan.
I was just wondering what everyone's favorite Spell in the game is. Personally, I chose a spell from my school of focus, Storm , and that is the Leviathan.
I love Levy! He's so cute!
Anyway, respond with your favorite Spell
~Emily StormRunner- lvl 35
LEGENDARY TREANT! I love that spell, I wish it was trainable for myth wizards
Hm... That's a good question! I like a lot of the spells in the game, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be the Heck Hound.
First of all, I love the spell's animation! I just love it how it starts as a cute and innocent-looking puppy, and then it surprises you! I have also found it to be quite useful in combat.
My favorite spell would have to be Rebirth. I love the spell's animation and the way it looks when you cast it. It is such a useful spell once you get to higher dungeons like Tartarus and Darkmoor!
I have multiple favorite spells. Death I love lulu. Storm glow bugs. Fire raging bull. Ice snow angel. Life balance ra. Life guardian spirit. Myth medusa