An efficient Life wizard has had to learn how to do both. I created my Life wizard to be able to solo more easily - not to keep others going though the game.
We have to judge what spells are used and when by all in the group, you don't have to keep saying heal me to me I keep track of that also. My life wizard carries 1 sprite and 1 satyr for normal mobs, I add rebirth for instances.
The trick here maybe to defeat the monster faster then it can get a chance to defeat you.
It seems that many are in an up roar over the fact that Life can and may actually be a damage class if honed properly. Where is it not fair that every wizard school should not be able to hold it's own against the monsters of the Spiral?
I dont know if i would go that far Brwac, Unless you consider slow damage good damage. I also have a life wizard and unless im waiting for several rounds to blade blade blade trap trap trap then no a life is not a damage dealer or at least not a good one. I know for sure that if i was in a group with a life wizard that did not heal me when they could have i would not group with them again. And i believe that is the topic here not whether certain players can juggle their spells appropriately.
I dont know if i would go that far Brwac, Unless you consider slow damage good damage. I also have a life wizard and unless im waiting for several rounds to blade blade blade trap trap trap then no a life is not a damage dealer or at least not a good one. I know for sure that if i was in a group with a life wizard that did not heal me when they could have i would not group with them again. And i believe that is the topic here not whether certain players can juggle their spells appropriately.
It is all about juggling your spells and adapting to the situation. Certainly some wizards have greater disposition towards certain tasks, but fighting in an effective team my Death wizard has resurected defeated life wizards many times. When team playing I always carry a couple of those sacrificial health cards with me, its just good planning.
I agree that if a player on a team repeatedly makes silly moves that hurt the team then I would rather not play with that wizard. Finding friends that you can play really well with, where the synergy flows beautifully is really rare... hold on to those friends. Unfortunately we all level at different rates, so good friends come and go over time.
When playing with a team of familiar friends none of this should be an issue as you should have grown to know and expect how your friends play. When playing with strangers it is foolish to expect people to play a certain way. Team play with strangers is very similar to solo play. Anything strangers do for you is bonus. Lets just hope they pull their weight.
i am a lvl 75 balance and people expect me to sheild,power up their spells, and weaken the enemies. they never want me to attack. when they use there strongest spells i know i can deal more damage than that.balance doesnt get any props just because we dont have a school in ravenwood. some say that we are the weakest. Ha! we are one of the strongest there is.if some people tell you not to do something, they might think your better at it than they are.
That is not true. If i ask a life wizard to heal me and not deal damage, it is because they are better healers and i am a better damage dealer. Besides it all depends on the player. Also balance isn't that strong IN DAMAGE. The order goes storm, fire, myth,death (except steals), balance, life, ice. And for the title of this topic, it isn't stereotypical, it is the thing that each school does best. And btw as a damage school, i always get told to kill things from life/ice/balance wizards so it isn't just your end too.
Every group is different. As a balance wizard, i get asked for a lot of things. I do what I thinks needs to be done. When people ask for blades, heals, or shields, I do what I think is best. Aslong as you make an educated decision, it's fine. When people whine and complain about you not healing them, going first in the battle, shielding them, or attacking, ignore them. If you are in a group, adjust for the members of the group. Once, a storm wizard started getting mad a life friend of mine because he wouldn't heal, and got really mad when he attacked. But the attacked killed th mobs. So what I'm saying is, don't underestimate anyone. Everybody has their own strategies.
Every group is different. As a balance wizard, i get asked for a lot of things. I do what I thinks needs to be done. When people ask for blades, heals, or shields, I do what I think is best. Aslong as you make an educated decision, it's fine. When people whine and complain about you not healing them, going first in the battle, shielding them, or attacking, ignore them. If you are in a group, adjust for the members of the group. Once, a storm wizard started getting mad a life friend of mine because he wouldn't heal, and got really mad when he attacked. But the attacked killed th mobs. So what I'm saying is, don't underestimate anyone. Everybody has their own strategies.
Every group is different. As a balance wizard, i get asked for a lot of things. I do what I thinks needs to be done. When people ask for blades, heals, or shields, I do what I think is best. Aslong as you make an educated decision, it's fine. When people whine and complain about you not healing them, going first in the battle, shielding them, or attacking, ignore them. If you are in a group, adjust for the members of the group. Once, a storm wizard started getting mad a life friend of mine because he wouldn't heal, and got really mad when he attacked. But the attacked killed th mobs. So what I'm saying is, don't underestimate anyone. Everybody has their own strategies.
I think the part most are disagreeing with has nothing to do with versitility or adaptation as you are speaking, Like for instance your life friend killed those mobs and it worked out great but what if he fizzled and the group then died. If he just would have healed then the other damage dealers would have killed the mob. Its not a whos wand is bigger contest its about having fun and advancing in the game.
What i am talking about when i post on this thread is that everyone can do all these things but when you are in a group supposed to do a job then do that job. I understand that everyone can heal an everyone can do damage but if you want to play in a serious group then please do the job you are asked to do. If you are not playing in a serious group then it doesnt matter.
That is not true. If i ask a life wizard to heal me and not deal damage, it is because they are better healers and i am a better damage dealer. Besides it all depends on the player. Also balance isn't that strong IN DAMAGE. The order goes storm, fire, myth,death (except steals), balance, life, ice. And for the title of this topic, it isn't stereotypical, it is the thing that each school does best. And btw as a damage school, i always get told to kill things from life/ice/balance wizards so it isn't just your end too.
Balance, weak? You obviously haven't met my archmage Balance wizard~ she's a beast, both offensively and defensively, can blade-stack like nobody's business, and adapts according to the needs of the group.Whether my team needs a DD, a healer, or a wild-card, she can fill any role just as well as the wizard who traditionally plays it. Any school can be powerful, in the right hands.
Typically, I quest with an archmage Ice friend~ we take turns being the DD, but we each also look out for ourselves; she doesn't demand that I use my blades to buff her and packs her own heals (between us, we rarely need healing anyway). Likewise, I don't expect her to shield me or give me stun-blocks~ I have my own. We each look out for ourselves, but we strategize together, and that's part of what makes us such an efficient team.
Recently, we ended up questing with a same-level pyromancer who followed us around and kept jumping into our fights~ he had no clue what he was doing and was obviously unprepared, because he did nothing but blade himself and hadn't packed any heals. When he was hit by a critical something and defeated, the first thing he said was, "no help?" Well, my only heal (since Brynn and I generally don't need them) hadn't come up yet, and I was like, why didn't you pack your own? It was obvious that he expected us to carry him, since he had the resources available and chose not to use them.
(I was in the second spot and, because I was too lazy to be mean about it, healed him just before Brynn KO'ed the enemies; that way, he wouldn't have to start over. On most days, I wouldn't have bothered and just left him to be defeated~ as I always say, I refuse to carry someone who can't or won't carry himself.)
Gunslinger, I totally get where you're coming from when it comes to roles in a pre-determined group. Everyone needs to have their purpose established. Who's healing, who's doing most of the damage, who's on the first sigil, etc.
My main wizard is Ice (I'm the Ice friend that Vonawesome was talking about). Her Balance and my Ice are currently questing in Azteca together. Von's role is to do whatever works best for her, and it works very well between the both of us. When we're fighting mobs, I go first on the sigil. I don't carry heals or shields, and I don't expect Vonawesome to provide me with either. She helps to buff me for hits, and she has her nova for "clean-up on aisle 5" if I don't do enough damage. In dungeons, I still don't carry shields, but I do put a heal or two in as backup. Von and I set up a lot of traps, she helps buff me (and herself), then I hit, and can pretty much take out the minion and boss in one hit. This is because we work as a team.
The other day, I was doing some mob fights with random people. The four of us decided to team up, so we could get the collect quests done faster. Now, I'm Ice. I realize I'm a tank, so I always took the first circle. There were two Fire and one Storm that was with me. Who killed all the enemies? Me. Every single time.
I do get asked a lot to heal, shield, or buff other players in mob fights. Why? Because the other players didn't plan their attack/heals/shields for their deck, and expect me to fight as well as take care of them. Uh, no. As an Ice, I have a good excuse as I can take a lot of hits, so no heals or shields are necessary.
Gunslinger, I totally get where you're coming from when it comes to roles in a pre-determined group. Everyone needs to have their purpose established. Who's healing, who's doing most of the damage, who's on the first sigil, etc.
My main wizard is Ice (I'm the Ice friend that Vonawesome was talking about). Her Balance and my Ice are currently questing in Azteca together. Von's role is to do whatever works best for her, and it works very well between the both of us. When we're fighting mobs, I go first on the sigil. I don't carry heals or shields, and I don't expect Vonawesome to provide me with either. She helps to buff me for hits, and she has her nova for "clean-up on aisle 5" if I don't do enough damage. In dungeons, I still don't carry shields, but I do put a heal or two in as backup. Von and I set up a lot of traps, she helps buff me (and herself), then I hit, and can pretty much take out the minion and boss in one hit. This is because we work as a team.
The other day, I was doing some mob fights with random people. The four of us decided to team up, so we could get the collect quests done faster. Now, I'm Ice. I realize I'm a tank, so I always took the first circle. There were two Fire and one Storm that was with me. Who killed all the enemies? Me. Every single time.
I do get asked a lot to heal, shield, or buff other players in mob fights. Why? Because the other players didn't plan their attack/heals/shields for their deck, and expect me to fight as well as take care of them. Uh, no. As an Ice, I have a good excuse as I can take a lot of hits, so no heals or shields are necessary.
Yes predetermined is what i speak of. If you wander into a battle an expect things its a bit demanding so i am not talking of those situations. You and Von have a system that works for you and that is good planning and good game play strategies. My fire and my sons life have a similar group that works for us and he packs much less damage and much more healing/shielding than me but that is how we advance quickly because we know our roles in our group. I truely believe that if more people that had solid groups would know their roles in their group that they could advance much faster than not. For instance it only took us 5 days to complete azteca. And the reason for that is i know that i can use all my pips on damage because he will heal me so in turn we have victories continuously and donot slow down. I know i dont have to waste a turn putting up a shield or casting a pixie to stay alive so this allows me to sun serpant every 4th turn and annihilate the battle ring. Or if the mobs have less than 3000 life i can meteor on the 1st,2nd turn for the kill. One of my biggest pet peevs is when im playing and someone gets mad because im about to do an AoE and they say "Dont use my traps" , Its about the win not who has the final blow. But if people play together insync then all goes well. Everyone in game has different play styles but i can garauntee that if youve ever tried playing with people that have specific roles in the group you will win much more often and will advance much more quickly.
You definately dont play many MMO games. Remind me not to group with you.
When i said group i meant a actual put together group not just running around bashing and fun, I mean an actual raid ready take no prisoners serious group. I cant help to disagree with your play style because i dont want a person to follow their strategy and hope for a win i want a soldier ready for battle in my group.
But hey thats your style and you have a right to it, You are correct donot let people boss you. But i figure you might not have many good groups or you have very tolerant friends.
Its called Teamwork and there is No I in TEAM just help where you can and if there happens to be a bossy player let them know right up front they are Not in change of your choices. have fun be safe.
Its called Teamwork and there is No I in TEAM just help where you can and if there happens to be a bossy player let them know right up front they are Not in change of your choices. have fun be safe.
There is an i in win though. Teamwork also means doing the right thing for your team and working as a team to accomplish the goal. And if you do your own thing instead of whats best for a group then you are the reason for a defeat. Plain an simple if you wish to advance you always do whats best for your group and that usually is the role that you play. Healers heal-Damagers do dmg-Support supports-Tanks tank.
Getting philosphical now, but good teams always have a leader. The most effective team play i have had in this game someone takes on the role. But being a leader isn't the same as bossy. And two people assuming leadership role is bad.
I usually let the person who started the quest take the lead. Sometimes they pass the torch to someone else based on knowledge or skill. Waterworks and Tower of Helephant are good examples where a good leader who knows what they are doing can help things go smooth. And in these cases following expected roles is a good idea. If you want to play a certain role or way its best to speak up.
Often there is no leader. Battles with total strangers are like this. Nobody chats, everybody is acting in solo mode. This often works fine too, especially normal street fights. Its funny when someone goes into bossy mode when you are fighting regular riff-raff.
Getting philosphical now, but good teams always have a leader. The most effective team play i have had in this game someone takes on the role. But being a leader isn't the same as bossy. And two people assuming leadership role is bad.
I usually let the person who started the quest take the lead. Sometimes they pass the torch to someone else based on knowledge or skill. Waterworks and Tower of Helephant are good examples where a good leader who knows what they are doing can help things go smooth. And in these cases following expected roles is a good idea. If you want to play a certain role or way its best to speak up.
Often there is no leader. Battles with total strangers are like this. Nobody chats, everybody is acting in solo mode. This often works fine too, especially normal street fights. Its funny when someone goes into bossy mode when you are fighting regular riff-raff.
LOL yes bossy people are a riot. And i agree non epic battles you dont really need a plan.
never happened to me but anyone ever had that moment when someone looks completely at your school benefits and nothing else? i bet some life wizards heard "no no no your supposed to heal. let me do the damage. im storm" life can pack a punch if they want to. im balance and i focus more offensively so dont expect me to come packed with shields for only you since your the ice and blades for the storm
I always do. Your stats tell a story of how you play, And if you dont play that way then your waisting your char. My life wizard has 80 damage and can out power quite a few of the other schools, they don't judge me.
My Main school is balance. I am a Solo, I hardly need any help from others. I have 71% damage with 18% universal damage and i can hold my own great. 5 Blades (Using sharpened blade) And 4 Traps (2 Feints) I can one hit anything with one hit.
Matter of fact, i am not telling you your the hitter. Your the school that does ALL. You can Tank like ice, Hit like storm, Avoid shields like myth. I never blade, And i hit high since that's my play style. How you play deter-mans what hapens on the field, i have 4 blades in my deck of 30, And 2 sharpen blades. Chances are, i wont use any.
How do you play balance? The only right way is your way.
I always do. Your stats tell a story of how you play, And if you dont play that way then your waisting your char. My life wizard has 80 damage and can out power quite a few of the other schools, they don't judge me.
My Main school is balance. I am a Solo, I hardly need any help from others. I have 71% damage with 18% universal damage and i can hold my own great. 5 Blades (Using sharpened blade) And 4 Traps (2 Feints) I can one hit anything with one hit.
Matter of fact, i am not telling you your the hitter. Your the school that does ALL. You can Tank like ice, Hit like storm, Avoid shields like myth. I never blade, And i hit high since that's my play style. How you play deter-mans what hapens on the field, i have 4 blades in my deck of 30, And 2 sharpen blades. Chances are, i wont use any.
How do you play balance? The only right way is your way.
Balance, weak? You obviously haven't met my archmage Balance wizard~ she's a beast, both offensively and defensively, can blade-stack like nobody's business, and adapts according to the needs of the group.Whether my team needs a DD, a healer, or a wild-card, she can fill any role just as well as the wizard who traditionally plays it. Any school can be powerful, in the right hands.
Typically, I quest with an archmage Ice friend~ we take turns being the DD, but we each also look out for ourselves; she doesn't demand that I use my blades to buff her and packs her own heals (between us, we rarely need healing anyway). Likewise, I don't expect her to shield me or give me stun-blocks~ I have my own. We each look out for ourselves, but we strategize together, and that's part of what makes us such an efficient team.
Recently, we ended up questing with a same-level pyromancer who followed us around and kept jumping into our fights~ he had no clue what he was doing and was obviously unprepared, because he did nothing but blade himself and hadn't packed any heals. When he was hit by a critical something and defeated, the first thing he said was, "no help?" Well, my only heal (since Brynn and I generally don't need them) hadn't come up yet, and I was like, why didn't you pack your own? It was obvious that he expected us to carry him, since he had the resources available and chose not to use them.
(I was in the second spot and, because I was too lazy to be mean about it, healed him just before Brynn KO'ed the enemies; that way, he wouldn't have to start over. On most days, I wouldn't have bothered and just left him to be defeated~ as I always say, I refuse to carry someone who can't or won't carry himself.)
I never said balance was weak and i never said balance can't be strong. I said thats the order it is. In the end it all does end up being the player. And he didnt expect you to carry him, he got killed by a critical meaning he could of had full health and died. You cant heal yourself after you die. And being a fire wiz myself i dont have any heals (btw link is too useless to help anything very much so in azteca). As for what your saying, i find it rude that you would just leave someone dead because maybe they dont have much experience in the game or they cant heal themselves. I agree with the wont carry themselves part of your saying but not the can't part. It is like expecting a storm wizard to be the healer and the life to be the DD (and i am going by what is intended because what i said before is it depends on the on player). The point of being a team is you help each other. Your team sounds like you are just soloing them game together. (I can explain what that is if you want me too)
I never said balance was weak and i never said balance can't be strong. I said thats the order it is. In the end it all does end up being the player. And he didnt expect you to carry him, he got killed by a critical meaning he could of had full health and died. You cant heal yourself after you die. And being a fire wiz myself i dont have any heals (btw link is too useless to help anything very much so in azteca). As for what your saying, i find it rude that you would just leave someone dead because maybe they dont have much experience in the game or they cant heal themselves. I agree with the wont carry themselves part of your saying but not the can't part. It is like expecting a storm wizard to be the healer and the life to be the DD (and i am going by what is intended because what i said before is it depends on the on player). The point of being a team is you help each other. Your team sounds like you are just soloing them game together. (I can explain what that is if you want me too)
I don't think it's rude to expect that someone pull his (or her) own weight~on the contrary, jumping into fights unprepared and with no intention of contributing is extremely rude, not to mention selfish.
And please don't try that, "well, I don't have any heals" business with me. I've played all 7 schools, and all of them can heal~ as a pyromancer myself (she's just a baby wizard), I know for a fact that Fire has multiple heals: Link, Power Link, and the Pixie we all get at the start of Unicorn Way; there's also the one from Croaky (MB secret trainer in Digmoore Station) that allows you to steal health from a minion, which all schools have as well. Worst case scenario, suck it up and buy some treasure cards, but don't expect someone else to do the work for you.
I'm not an experienced gamer, but some of this stuff is common sense~ yes, if Storm and Life are questing together, it makes more sense that Storm would be the DD and Life would be the healer. But if Storm and Myth are questing together, Storm is able to and should fend for herself. My Storm wizard quests with QueQueg's necromancer, but she doesn't heal me and I don't expect her to; I pack my Pixie~ even though I usually don't need it, it's better to have it and not need it than the other way around.
QueQueg and I are both former solo players, and our individual style is quite different from how we play as a team~ because we each take care of ourselves, it allows us get things done quickly. If the boss is Balance, I won't bother buffing myself: I'll buff her for a one-hit kill instead, since it makes the most sense; if she absolutely needed healing, I wouldn't hesitate, because I know she's a good teammate and I can trust her to make smart choices (ie: not waiting until she has 2 health to heal herself or casting a Frost Giant at an Ice boss with no converts).
As one of my favourite teachers once said: "a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."
I don't think it's rude to expect that someone pull his (or her) own weight~on the contrary, jumping into fights unprepared and with no intention of contributing is extremely rude, not to mention selfish.
And please don't try that, "well, I don't have any heals" business with me. I've played all 7 schools, and all of them can heal~ as a pyromancer myself (she's just a baby wizard), I know for a fact that Fire has multiple heals: Link, Power Link, and the Pixie we all get at the start of Unicorn Way; there's also the one from Croaky (MB secret trainer in Digmoore Station) that allows you to steal health from a minion, which all schools have as well. Worst case scenario, suck it up and buy some treasure cards, but don't expect someone else to do the work for you.
I'm not an experienced gamer, but some of this stuff is common sense~ yes, if Storm and Life are questing together, it makes more sense that Storm would be the DD and Life would be the healer. But if Storm and Myth are questing together, Storm is able to and should fend for herself. My Storm wizard quests with QueQueg's necromancer, but she doesn't heal me and I don't expect her to; I pack my Pixie~ even though I usually don't need it, it's better to have it and not need it than the other way around.
QueQueg and I are both former solo players, and our individual style is quite different from how we play as a team~ because we each take care of ourselves, it allows us get things done quickly. If the boss is Balance, I won't bother buffing myself: I'll buff her for a one-hit kill instead, since it makes the most sense; if she absolutely needed healing, I wouldn't hesitate, because I know she's a good teammate and I can trust her to make smart choices (ie: not waiting until she has 2 health to heal herself or casting a Frost Giant at an Ice boss with no converts).
As one of my favourite teachers once said: "a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."
Did you not read my whole post because i said link is useless (and it is) and fire gets one minion that i dont pack in my deck and the spell from croaky is pips. the only useful heal fire gets is pixie which because fire isn't life can't be put in your deck too many times. So sometimes you just can't heal yourself. I do agree with you if someone jumps into your battle and does nothing i wouldnt do stuff for them. But sometimes its just nice to do things for other wizards. Lets say you are having trouble with a fight someone jumps in and asks politely can you blade me. You say no carry yourself. person attacks anyway and nearly kills them. He did have a plan but you still said carry yourself. Thats what i find rude. Sure there are times where you should say no but sometimes its just doing someone a favor.
It really depends on a few things here. 1. A persons point of view. 2. How much MMO experience theyve had 3. Players temperment. 4. How well you play with others 5. How much time you have to play. All these and more affect how a person plays the game. Even though i agree completely on having a role and sticking with it while playing , Everyone does have a different play style. So instead of everyone coming down on each other how about we all agree to disagree. Ive played quite a few games in the past and i played a healer role in alot of those games (cleric,shaman,mystic,life,ect.) and when i played those roles i honestly would die in some battles just to heal my fellow group instead of myself but this is just how i played. I play for my group and even though i would die at times i still progressed through those games quickly for one reason, I was never shy a group because everyone that grouped with me wanted me as their healer, There was times i had to choose which group out of 3 i wanted to be in that evening. See how you put yourself out there will drastically change the way you are seen as a friend,comrade,group member. Now i am not saying to change anyones play style but i am saying if you spread the wealth a bit and help it will come around back to you. This game is quite soloable and thats what makes it hard for people to understand the group aspect of a game. But now with the harder arc of the game out there the normal soloer that cannot solo well anymore is having a hard time transitioning to a group mindset.
Did you not read my whole post because i said link is useless (and it is) and fire gets one minion that i dont pack in my deck and the spell from croaky is pips. the only useful heal fire gets is pixie which because fire isn't life can't be put in your deck too many times. So sometimes you just can't heal yourself. I do agree with you if someone jumps into your battle and does nothing i wouldnt do stuff for them. But sometimes its just nice to do things for other wizards. Lets say you are having trouble with a fight someone jumps in and asks politely can you blade me. You say no carry yourself. person attacks anyway and nearly kills them. He did have a plan but you still said carry yourself. Thats what i find rude. Sure there are times where you should say no but sometimes its just doing someone a favor.
If someone jumps into my fight after I started, they are on their own. I pack my deck for what I need immediately in battle. I don't carry extra heals, or blades, or traps, or shields, or anything else to give to other people. It's not a favor to start giving what little you have to someone else, especially if you're the one that started the fight. If that person ends up never hitting, or they fizzle, or they go afk, etc, then you're out of luck, because you just gave away what you needed to fight and win with.
Besides, anyone who has reached the higher levels of the game should know how to play. They should be able to have their mob deck ready, which should include heals, blades, and whatever else they need to stay alive and win the round, and not have to depend on the one that started the fight to support them. If anything, it should be the other way around. If I jump into a fight someone started, I always check to see what health they are, and heal them if I can, then I'll blade them, or try to help them out the best I can. That is the polite thing to do.
If someone jumps into my fight after I started, they are on their own. I pack my deck for what I need immediately in battle. I don't carry extra heals, or blades, or traps, or shields, or anything else to give to other people. It's not a favor to start giving what little you have to someone else, especially if you're the one that started the fight. If that person ends up never hitting, or they fizzle, or they go afk, etc, then you're out of luck, because you just gave away what you needed to fight and win with.
Besides, anyone who has reached the higher levels of the game should know how to play. They should be able to have their mob deck ready, which should include heals, blades, and whatever else they need to stay alive and win the round, and not have to depend on the one that started the fight to support them. If anything, it should be the other way around. If I jump into a fight someone started, I always check to see what health they are, and heal them if I can, then I'll blade them, or try to help them out the best I can. That is the polite thing to do.
I will say this to anyone out there that has the philosophy of "your on your own", Someday there will come a time when you are the one in need of assistance and if or when that day comes would you really want the person next to you saying "your on your own". I agree some people out there have a nack for being irritating and do not play well. But sometimes people just need help with things. Especially if a zone has alot of the same school mobs, Life comes to mind here, A life student fighting high end life mobs needs a bit of help(not because they cant do it but because its slow for them) to speed it up. If someone jumps into my circle i basically do whatever i can do for the win whether it be blading them or myself, healing them or myself. I dont live by the "your on your own" motto, I live by the lets bang this thing out motto. For the topic of this thread though, If you are in a group and do what your supposed to then everything usually goes well. I definately wouldnt want to take my life wizard into WW dungeon and say im the DD today. My friends would be like "goodluck with that lol" . Lifes a healer it says so right on the see the game part of homepage.
If someone jumps into my fight after I started, they are on their own. I pack my deck for what I need immediately in battle. I don't carry extra heals, or blades, or traps, or shields, or anything else to give to other people. It's not a favor to start giving what little you have to someone else, especially if you're the one that started the fight. If that person ends up never hitting, or they fizzle, or they go afk, etc, then you're out of luck, because you just gave away what you needed to fight and win with.
Besides, anyone who has reached the higher levels of the game should know how to play. They should be able to have their mob deck ready, which should include heals, blades, and whatever else they need to stay alive and win the round, and not have to depend on the one that started the fight to support them. If anything, it should be the other way around. If I jump into a fight someone started, I always check to see what health they are, and heal them if I can, then I'll blade them, or try to help them out the best I can. That is the polite thing to do.
You sound like a hardcore kind of player. not everyone is like that having mob decks and boss decks and stuff like that. And you gotta remember there's a real person on the other end that for all you know could be a kid
Hello, I'm a Life Wizard. I do find it extremely irritating when people try to tell you what to do because you are this or that school. Usually, people I work around eventually understand that I play offensively and will let me do what I see as best. There are also some people who only want me to heal them, even at times that their health may be almost max. I simply cannot stand it when someone looks at me that way, thinking that I cannot kill the enemies. I have a good Fire friend whose second school is Life, so we sometimes switch places and we still get the job done. I just wish some of those people would understand that other schools have strength too. ~Shannon Skybreaker
I think that can openers should be used as back scratchers and dishwashers should definately be used as microwaves. Because thats really what i want them to do.