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help with training points and deck setup!!!

Jan 01, 2011
as a death student level 33 i got all spells up to there and i wasted my training points up to satyr ( life spell) now when i get more training points idk what to use them on can anyone help me and yes i kind of do pvp when am bored and now for deck set up and maybe armor :p help anyone and some tc that may help me and remember i have death spells up to level 33 and life satyr life spell

Feb 19, 2010
Fire is always a good choice for secondary. At least to meteor.
Ice to tower is usually a good idea also.

Feb 07, 2011
Eric Windheart on Jan 19, 2013 wrote:
as a death student level 33 i got all spells up to there and i wasted my training points up to satyr ( life spell) now when i get more training points idk what to use them on can anyone help me and yes i kind of do pvp when am bored and now for deck set up and maybe armor :p help anyone and some tc that may help me and remember i have death spells up to level 33 and life satyr life spell
save your training points for:

-the astral enchantments (any level can use tc, but perm ones are available only to wizards over level 50);
-stun block (best investment ever~ see diego in unicorn way);
-pvp-only spells (ie: conviction).
-dispels and reshuffle.

because power pips count double for your school only, it's kinda useless to have a secondary school past level 50; as your power-pip chance increases, the more of a waste it is to cast spells from another school (unless you have a mastery amulet, which is only available from level 60+ boss drops or for $20 apiece in the crown shop... possibly worth looking into, if you plan to pvp a lot).

good luck!

promethean sorceress, archmage necromancer, the rest. ;)

Oct 22, 2011
If you know how to play your Death well, you don't need to waste your training points on a second school, especially if you don't have a mastery amulet.

Check with the Death tree by your school to see if there is anything you want (FREE) for your Death school.

As Von said:

- Astral schools (Celestia on up) Sun and Star. Don't waste training for Moon school transformations.
- Fairgrounds (Wizard City) - think about training Fire, Storm & Ice single shields (you already have the myth/life shield and a death school shield)
- Dispel & Reshuffle (Colossal Blvd by Ms Pixiecrown). The dispel for death is free, but 1-point for Reshuffle
- Stun Block (Unicorn way, talk to Diego) - an absolute must in higher worlds starting in Celestia
- Conviction (Unicorn Way, talk to Diego) - Can get it if you are a Sergeant, otherwise you can get TC conviction