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Missing textures

Jun 22, 2013
Hi everyone, I have a question. Sometimes when I was doing wizard duels in wizard city I would get missing textures sometimes. For example, I used a lucost swarm, and the sand was black. The fire elf textures would also be black. I also used a sun bird and the textures would be white on rare occasions.
I there something wrong with my graphics card? Please let me know.

Sep 29, 2008
well i don't think that's a missing texture per say but i cant see some of the windows on some of the schools and by windows i mean the actual windows that would be on a house all i see is a stone wall so sometimes i cant tell if a light is on in a house or not in raven wood. but if your game had the right coloring before then maybe its just a damaged file i know that every once in a while i see spells in a dark or black color almost as if the lighting in them was damaged.

Feb 25, 2009
I have had those same issues and still do on occasion but, I am also using an older computer.

Try updating your graphics card driver and see if that helps.