Hello everyone. I have just started a death wizard. I have thought, and I don't know which school should be her secondary. Anyone know a good one for death? Thanks!
If you are set on gaining a second school, I trained my Necromancer in the Myth School. However, as it has been stated before me, you should save training pips for the Astral Spells and the Spirit Blades and Traps. I wish you the best of luck! ~Shannon Skybreaker
I agree with Shannon, Death really doesn't need a second school but if you do want one, myth is probably the best choice. It gives you a multi attack spell earlier on then death, it will also get powered up when you use spirit trap and blade, and when you get to higher levels and get the astral spells, mutate Minotaur to Deadly Minotaur is pretty nice.
i have a death wizard (lvl 56 ) my first secondary school was balance...i bought my points back and trained Life. I kinda wish that i didnt cause life doesnt do much damage... it does come somewhat handy when fighting against death creatures though,and with death you have to build ya blades and traps up to do a lot of damage. So i say maybe pick or . i dont know. :/