Is it hard for balance wizards to fight a balance mob? I mean, if a balance wizard uses power nova, against four creatures of the same school, is there no hope? Will the mobs always resist the balance magic? It's weird, because there is no balance opposite, so there is no balance prism. Balance creatures are weak against a couple of schools, I think, but they can resist balance. I just think its a bit unfair for balance wizards. What if they made a new school, the chaos school! I'm not sure what it would do, but it would be the total opposite of the school, and be weak to balance. Then there could be a balance prism. And the chaos prism.
Yes, it is. You have to rely on balance spells that deliver non-balance damage (Spectral Blast, Hydra, Chimera), but none of them are AoE, so mob fights can be pretty long. The alternative is to use off-school spells, either trained or as treasure cards, but unless you have a mastery amulet, the fight will be just as long because it takes twice as long to build up the pips needed.
Is it hard for balance wizards to fight a balance mob? I mean, if a balance wizard uses power nova, against four creatures of the same school, is there no hope? Will the mobs always resist the balance magic? It's weird, because there is no balance opposite, so there is no balance prism. Balance creatures are weak against a couple of schools, I think, but they can resist balance. I just think its a bit unfair for balance wizards. What if they made a new school, the chaos school! I'm not sure what it would do, but it would be the total opposite of the school, and be weak to balance. Then there could be a balance prism. And the chaos prism.
Chaos is a knock-off of myth from pigswick academy. And pigswick is a group of fakers thus making chaos a fake school. And I got my balance to level 42 and no issues with balance mobs so far. He even soloed big ben and he had to fight like 4-8 balance guys and he ran out of potions. Critical
If you read the death book in night side it says that death gets power from Chaos. It withdraws the power if order and allows CHAOS to return. Chaos gives necromancers power.
Soooo yeah, chaos won't work. And plus it would be hard for KI to make another school( lots of work )
you know what, vanilabrain88? your right! Hi five! Heres a gold star. Job well done on doing your research. And for your info i'm not a necromancer. Sooo yeah. And it was just an idea, it wasn't a demand to turn it into a real part of the game. Do you have any ideas? I'm trying to be creative. I'm just flowing with ideas. Not all are good, but you gotta give them a chance man. Like the hippies say, its all good man!