I have a quick question...even though i probably already know the answer too but I want to ask if you can have someone to help you on the level 68 death spell quest..even if they are death student too? please let me know thanks -Keena Dream Legendary
I have a quick question...even though i probably already know the answer too but I want to ask if you can have someone to help you on the level 68 death spell quest..even if they are death student too? please let me know thanks -Keena Dream Legendary
Sorry, no. This is a solo quest, just like all school-specific quests. It doesn't matter if your friend is Death or not.
Having a problem with certain spell quests, There's many things you can do to beat it, Ask your death friends for what they did, Look up walkthroughs, Etc.. For me, When I was trying to get Skeletal Dragon the boss would kill me a lot cause I couldn't find prisms, But then someone taught me, I need death resist to beat him, So I bought gear that gave only health, death attack, and death resist with a block wand. I killed him using drain spells so I would have a lot of health and I would have prisms.
thanks! I beat him first go i did exactly what you said and i re did my whole deck and packed plenty of prisms. It was a bit annoying though that he kept using wraith .