I have been battling the same mobs for over an hour, only to get the dreaded did-not-collect message every single time.
I have tried:
-different deck setups -battling in different locations on the map -changing realms -passing a bunch of times -actually letting the monsters "hurt" me.
and I am officially at my wits' end.
Is this the price we're paying for the decreased difficulty? If it is, then KI can count me totally out.
It might look that way, I had a forum post on the "Test Realm Discussion" saying not to lower the difficulty because it is fine as it is, Maybe they decreased the drop rates because the battles should go by faster now? I don't know, Even though my post was well on it's way to reaching almost 200 replies I never recieved a response from anyone in KingsIsle which I don't find fair as to how they respond to simple things that are already concluded in rules and previous posts.
It might look that way, I had a forum post on the "Test Realm Discussion" saying not to lower the difficulty because it is fine as it is, Maybe they decreased the drop rates because the battles should go by faster now? I don't know, Even though my post was well on it's way to reaching almost 200 replies I never recieved a response from anyone in KingsIsle which I don't find fair as to how they respond to simple things that are already concluded in rules and previous posts.
I think KI may have concluded that an answer was given to you several times in that post.
Maybe looking at it in another angle will help - KI knows the percentage of players using their content. If not enough are using it why expand game play and make it more difficult? As less and less play more money is lost, what would your option be if you owned the game? You can build a new world but will they come?
On Topic: Boy, I hope I am past that quest in AZ. I am only going to try to get my main wizard though it and I am in Floating Mte area. Granted I am really only questing there now and then, mostly then.
on one hand, i'm glad for the nerf because my poor storm wizard might actually be able to finish azteca now. but i'm also annoyed because i hate did-not-collect quests and don't care to fight the same mobs again and again and again... ain't nobody got time for that.
@ northlite~ i'm in twin giants on my balance wizard, killing a million of those wingtooth knights (yes, there are more of those nightmarish collecting quests there)~ maybe we'll run into each other.