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Secondary for Balance?

Oct 18, 2014
Recently today I've made a balance wizard and I'm wondering what secondary school I should pick, which is the most effective?

Sep 17, 2012
It really depends on your play style, whether you pvp and if you have mastery amulets. A lot of Balance go with Myth as secondary. I did Death for mine because I had a mastery amulet from another wizard, and I planned on training death to feint anyways. It came in handy against Balance bosses.

Feb 01, 2013
I am currently trying a balance and life with a mastery amulet.

So far it works rather well, especially when in a team-up for a dungeon.

Ran a balance and storm for a while, it was fun but without an amulet, with an amulet would have been much better.

Feb 07, 2011
seethe42 has a point; it really depends on how you play the game.

my sorcerer was my first wizard. i had no idea what i was doing at the time, and i picked fire as a secondary; i ended buying back all of her points at level 80.

imho, the only secondary schools you really need are sun and star, available at level 52+.

a myth mastery amulet (for shatter) is pretty much a requirement for balance to pvp, since we can't wand off shields or weakness; death (to feint) and ice (to tower) are good choices as well.
