I planted 8 Couch Potatoes late afternoon on Saturday on my main account. Last night, I went to take a look at the progress of those and other plants (approx 30 hours after planting). I was shocked to see the Couch Potatoes had bypassed the stages of young and mature and were progressing to elder with the plant icon showing wilting plants.
Has anyone else run into this sort of issue with any of their gardens?
I did send an email to support along with a couple of screenshots of what I found.
I planted 8 Couch Potatoes late afternoon on Saturday on my main account. Last night, I went to take a look at the progress of those and other plants (approx 30 hours after planting). I was shocked to see the Couch Potatoes had bypassed the stages of young and mature and were progressing to elder with the plant icon showing wilting plants.
Has anyone else run into this sort of issue with any of their gardens?
I did send an email to support along with a couple of screenshots of what I found.
Wilting progress occurs at any level when you leave plants with needs. If you have your house on the tours, that could be your problem. You cannot visit your house and leave any plants with needs for long. If you or another person visits and needs aren't filled, plants will wilt and die. It has nothing to do with skipping stages.
couch potatoes need to be checked on every 11-14 hours at the most or there going to bomb on you this is with max likes. If you have less likes which is slower you can get away with once a day taking care of needs.
Wilting progress occurs at any level when you leave plants with needs. If you have your house on the tours, that could be your problem. You cannot visit your house and leave any plants with needs for long. If you or another person visits and needs aren't filled, plants will wilt and die. It has nothing to do with skipping stages.
Not trying to be rude, but I am well aware of the wilting process. I have been playing and planting since 2009. My house is not on the tours and, no one can go there unless I am there.
Nov 25, 7:19 PM
Garden Bug???? couch potatoes need to be checked on every 11-14 hours at the most or there going to bomb on you this is with max likes. If you have less likes which is slower you can get away with once a day taking care of needs.
I do not have max likes on them just for that reason. I have never had couch potatoes progress to elder in less than 36 hours. I also had some planted on another wizard on the same account and on 2 wizards on my second account. Those were all planted within the same time frame as the main garden. All of those went through the normal progression with my first harvest on those last night. I have always made it a practice to check my gardens every 24 hours and this is the first time I have had anything like this happen.
couch potatoes need to be checked on every 11-14 hours at the most or there going to bomb on you this is with max likes. If you have less likes which is slower you can get away with once a day taking care of needs.
That's not true. You can leave all plants indefinitely as long as you took care of all their needs last visit. The more you visit your house, the more often needs will appear. Plants left with no needs will only progress to the next level, but will never wilt or die if you DO NOT VISIT the house where they are planted. Needs only develop when you or someone else visits, so don't put gardening homes on the tours. Also do not visit your home if you do not have enough energy to take care of all possible needs. Needs only progress to wilting and dying if you visit and do NOT take care of them.
That's not true. You can leave all plants indefinitely as long as you took care of all their needs last visit. The more you visit your house, the more often needs will appear. Plants left with no needs will only progress to the next level, but will never wilt or die if you DO NOT VISIT the house where they are planted. Needs only develop when you or someone else visits, so don't put gardening homes on the tours. Also do not visit your home if you do not have enough energy to take care of all possible needs. Needs only progress to wilting and dying if you visit and do NOT take care of them.
Yes, this is true. I once forgot about a garden for 3 weeks after I had just taken care of the first set of needs after my DHE had progressed to Mature. I didn't visit my castle at all during that time.
When I finally got back they were all Elder. I missed all of the Mature harvests... though to be honest I didn't really mind. I was mostly using them for pet snacks anyway, so missing out on those dozens upon dozens of trading cards at Mature that I would just have to sell was more of a bonus. Though all of the missed XP from those harvests has slowed me down from reaching Rank 20 in gardening.
Just curious though OP, when you talk about the wilting plant icon, are you talking about the gardening icon on the lower right of the screen, or were the plants actually dying in their plots? KI changed the gardening icon to show wilting plants with a yellow background so that you know your plants have needs when you visit your castle.
Once all plants' needs are taken care of, the icon returns to what it used to be before to let you know it's now safe to leave and none of your plants are at risk of dying.