I am leveling a life wizard and find myself at level 41 with no spells trained outside of school except spirit blade and trap. After doing some research I am seeing that I will not get an AoE spell until level 58 (Forest Lord) and will have every heal by level 48. With the difficulty of mobs growing, I am wondering if I should invest in a secondary school or just wait for the sun school spells to augment what I have. I was looking at Myth because it gives Humungo Frog, Earthquake, and Minotaur. Earthquake is universally feared because it clears everything while Minotaur is useful for clearing a shield and landing an attack. What are your thoughts.
Those reasons sound good for selecting Myth as a secondary school, however, please keep in mind that unless you wear a Myth Mastery Amulet, your Power Pips will ONLY work for your Life school spells.
You may want to consider crafting and acquire recipes which benefit both schools so your Myth spells hit with the maximum effect.
Be aware that Myth spells also have a lower base Accuracy and so you may fizzle while casting them. Perhaps some Pet research and training is in your future to offer some additional beneficial talents.
As you continue to level, you will eventually have a surplus of Training Points, and you will be able to distribute them with less concern.
Assuming you are questing alone (as opposed to having high levels walk you through), here's what I think.
Myth could work well, and would make you an asset in PvP if you decided to play that. However, I suggest Fire or Balance as your secondary. Meteor and Sandstorm can be boosted pretty well using Monstrous, Gargantuan, Colossal. Having a mastery amulet and gear to boost your damage makes them even better options than Frog and Earthquake at your current level. Then, at Level 58, you can switch back and focus on Life school again. You probably won't need your secondary very often after that.
Some will tell you secondary schools are "useless," but frankly they fail to remember what it's like if you're doing your first run through the game. If you don't have developed pets, or high level questing partners, it's a tough run, and secondary schools really do serve a purpose.
I have death as my secondary but only up to feint. I believe that costs 7 training points. Myth would be good too. They are the third best attackers and like you've mentioned good aoe like Earthquake or shield destroyers like Minotaur. You can also buy forest lord treasure cards. On my lower level wizards who are around level 30-40 I usually buy tc from the bazaar for their school and it really helps.
I run two accounts and have wizards of all schools. None of them has ever trained in an secondary school for attacks. Unless you have a mastery amulet, using out of school spells will be just wasting power pips.
At this present time I am taking a life wizard through the game. Right now she is in Azteca. She has soloed most of the game. The only time I have gotten help was for the end of world dungeons from Dragonspyre to Avalon and for cheating bosses such as Belloq in ZF.
That particular wizard had only trained Death to feint, the star spells in Celestia, and all the sun boosts spells. I also trained the spirit blade and spirit traps.
Before I got Forest Lord, I bought monstrous, strong, or gargantuan cards and used them on Seraphs. The power pip boost on most Life gear allowed me to throw seraphs out rapidly.
The battles did take longer than if I had a mass attack, but was still manageable.
As another life wizard I will weigh in my opinion. First off I am only level 23 level life wizard but my highest is in his 80's so I have a general understanding of all the schools. Thought myth does have clear it is a low damage class and life doesn't do good on the damage side of things anyway. So I don't think it would be wise to put a low damage school with a low damage clear school. Though it is a struggle clearing with life until you get Forest Lord training in Myth wont be worth it unless you purchase the amulet that makes your power pips count for myth to, and even then it still isn't a great damage clear like I said. I would first see if you want to be a damage life wizard or a heal. Since the difference is vital. If you want to be damage I would suggest getting balance spells since they do have blades to amplify your damage. If you want to be a healer, which I am going to be, I would suggest going death till you get feint( this is because it helps your damage dealer deal more damage), then I would go into ice until you get tower shield (a good shield to help you survive in fights), and then if you are able to I would go in balance until you get to weakness, this is very useful in the early game of wizard101 so I would suggest this first while your still low. Then after that you should be into Celestial magic which is up to you how you want to build it. I know this is a bit all over the place but this is what I have been doing so far. Hope this helps.
Myth generally isn't a popular choice in schools, but the lack of multi-attacks can be highly frustrating. I would only suggest you take on this second school if you have a Myth Mastery Amulet for it. If not, I would advise you to keep pushing through on your own. If you do so, you'll have more Training Points saved up for Astral Spells. I hope that helped put your decision into perspective!
I am leveling a life wizard and find myself at level 41 with no spells trained outside of school except spirit blade and trap. After doing some research I am seeing that I will not get an AoE spell until level 58 (Forest Lord) and will have every heal by level 48. With the difficulty of mobs growing, I am wondering if I should invest in a secondary school or just wait for the sun school spells to augment what I have. I was looking at Myth because it gives Humungo Frog, Earthquake, and Minotaur. Earthquake is universally feared because it clears everything while Minotaur is useful for clearing a shield and landing an attack. What are your thoughts.
Here is a guide with suggestions on which mastery amulet is for you, good luck!
Well this depends. For those of us who have a lot of crowns you can just buy your training points back. and if my calculations are correct to buy back all your points IF you spent them all on myth. It would be 2450 crowns to buy back your training points. But this calculation does NOT include the quests prospector Zeke gives you in each world to find a object in each part of the world. For example: the Smiths in wizard city or the beetles in krokotopia. But if you are asking for my own personal opinion, spend them on myth.
I do have a primary wizard that is exalted for the Death School. The only mastery amulets I have are fire and life. I found my fire amulet to be very low utility while leveling my death wizard because of the low accuracy on fire spells. I found myself fizzling often and while I did craft some hybrid gear (up to Zafaria) I found that doing so severely unbalanced my wizard doing so beyond Zafaria.
If I did go Myth as a secondary I would definitely have to procure a mastery amulet because I agree the pips would be wasted otherwise. However, through your feedback I think it is a better idea to go with the suggestions that encourage use of enchants on my existing school spells. I have tried buying forest lord through the bazaar but doing so long term is not an economically viable option as there are low numbers of the card available and their individual cost is well over 1000 making them an expensive cast.
So thank you all again for the input. I will save for the Star and Sun Schools and just grind it out. I made this wizard so I could be a primary healer because everyone loves a healer , and it is just a fun style of play. Thankfully I made friends playing through the game to exalted once already so I can call on some heavy hitting friends when at level team options are scarce.
Life with myth mastery is a very common choice for life wizards in PvP, since it gives you a variety of different utility spells. Personally, I have a legendary life wizard who I PvP on with a myth mastery, and I love it! If you are looking to PvP in the near future, and are considering purchasing a myth mastery, I would definitely train myth. However, if you are mainly just questing, then I would just save your training points for astral spells.