Hello, everyone. I'm a returning player to the Spiral (feels like coming home) and still learning all the new add-ons of the game. Right now, I have a question about Valentina Heartsong. I wanted to give my wife a wand from her (she's playing a Death/Fire wizard) but I have no clue how to send/gift it to her. I thought the idea of her items was to give as gifts to friends in the Spiral, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone tell me how to send her the wand, please?
As far as I know you cannot send the wands and pets as gifts. There is a Valentine Teddy Bear, Special Balloons, And really nice Pink Seraph Wings that are items in The Crown Shop that you may send as gifts to other players.
If she is on the same account you can just put it in the shared bank for her. If it is for a different account and you can buy the items with crowns, then you can gift it to her. click on the item and to your right you should see a gift box. click on that then highlight your wife's wizard then click buy.