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What age wizard101 is meant for

Aug 01, 2009
I have noticed something, the higher up or more difficult the world, the more adult it is, a lot of uncomfortable death threats, stating modern problems, and even some innapropriate for children statements, for example, after defeat this boss in cear Lyon, he said, and I quote "this must be my blue period" i honestly don't think a nine or ten year old would get that, at least i hope they don't, so back to the original statement. What age is wizard101 really for?

Evan starblade level 76

Dec 25, 2011
well, the game is meant for children but Kingsisle doesn't expect kids to get to worlds like Khrysalis i'm guessing they at least expect a teen to get to Khrysalis i mean sure the higher and harder worlds have some more mature rated humor,but all in all Kingsisle tries to make the game as kid friendly as possible, also Khrysalis is supposed to be a dark and evil themed world it is also where you learn shadow magic so i wouldn't be surprised if bosses had something gruesome to say to you in that world.

Feb 07, 2011
Evan starblade888 on Mar 29, 2015 wrote:
I have noticed something, the higher up or more difficult the world, the more adult it is, a lot of uncomfortable death threats, stating modern problems, and even some innapropriate for children statements, for example, after defeat this boss in cear Lyon, he said, and I quote "this must be my blue period" i honestly don't think a nine or ten year old would get that, at least i hope they don't, so back to the original statement. What age is wizard101 really for?

Evan starblade level 76
as implied by the rating (e10), the game is for all ages 10 and up.

this means that,by the age of 10, most children are emotionally mature enough to discern between fantasy and reality, and that those who can't (or who aren't old enough) should not be playing unless closely supervised by an adult.

i don't have any kids, but my 6 year-old niece occasionally plays the game with me. i help her with her quests and monitor her gameplay closely (auntie von has an eagle eye, when it comes to protecting little ones). at her age, she doesn't pay much attention to the dialogue. but, if she asks me about any of it, i explain it to her in an age-appropriate way.


Apr 13, 2011
i do believe you mis-understood what he meant on that. if they meant what you think they meant they wouldn't be a kids game. what he did mean was he was entering a stage of sadness because he was defeated thus the use of the word blue. as for the rest of the dialogue in most of part 2 it is a bit intense and hopefully will cool off on that but it isnt much worse then what you here in avalon.

Feb 23, 2015
Blue period is defined as a stage in an artist's life in which they are depressed and their artwork is depressing.

Wizard101 is meant for all ages. Some of the spells are rather creepy for the game, but there is no blood involved. There are deaths involved, but there is nothing too graphic about it.

Language in the game is so clean that many harmless words in chat are censored because of slang terminology. People, including myself, often complain that the censor is far too strict.

Jan 25, 2015
well it's for all ages but I see your point

Aug 18, 2011
10-110. It's going to take a year or more for most players to get to the higher worlds, so the story ramps up a bit, kind of the way the Harry Potter books got darker as the readers got older.

Aug 01, 2009
But it also expresses some modern problems like i mentioned before, slavery and racsism is still a problem today believe it or not, but the the way kingsisle shows this is in krokotopia, in this world, the manders are enslaved by the kroks after they treated them from their illnesses, now the manders are eternally enslaved, and the kroks look down on them as nothing more then peasants, which is racially unfair.

Evan star blade lvl 76

Aug 01, 2009
the awesome pyroma... on Mar 29, 2015 wrote:
i do believe you mis-understood what he meant on that. if they meant what you think they meant they wouldn't be a kids game. what he did mean was he was entering a stage of sadness because he was defeated thus the use of the word blue. as for the rest of the dialogue in most of part 2 it is a bit intense and hopefully will cool off on that but it isnt much worse then what you here in avalon.
Thank you for clearing up what blue period meant, trust me middle schools is a bad influence XD

Evan star blade lvl 76

Jul 26, 2011
Evan starblade888 on Mar 30, 2015 wrote:
But it also expresses some modern problems like i mentioned before, slavery and racsism is still a problem today believe it or not, but the the way kingsisle shows this is in krokotopia, in this world, the manders are enslaved by the kroks after they treated them from their illnesses, now the manders are eternally enslaved, and the kroks look down on them as nothing more then peasants, which is racially unfair.

Evan star blade lvl 76
Well the Manders (in my opinion) are supposed to be peasants. The Ancient Egyptians had slaves usually from prisoners of war or the lower class citizens of Egypt itself. Plus Kingsisle didn't really go into the whole slavery thing in Krokotopia very much from what I remember in Krokotopia with about 4 of my Wizards.

Mar 24, 2009
Kingsisle and Wizard101 have made this game unique by involving these sort of references and "easter eggs" that makes it really nice for people of all ages.

This happens with a lot of "kids" video games and "kids" movies. I was rewatching some older movies from my childhood last night, and SO many references and jokes that went completely over my head I now understand and laugh at.

I think the devs and Kingsisle did exactly what movie makers did there. My first character on this game, I understood maybe a third of the references--and now, on my fourth run through, I find myself laughing more than ever.

I want to say that the references to modern day issues, pop culture, and occasionally questionable jokes are a bit of a reward to those who are older than the recommended 10+ age and still wish to play. It also allows parents, who might usually feel a bit bored watching their child play video games, get a laugh in.

Dec 26, 2013
Prince of Shadows on Mar 30, 2015 wrote:
10-110. It's going to take a year or more for most players to get to the higher worlds, so the story ramps up a bit, kind of the way the Harry Potter books got darker as the readers got older.
Right on the money! If you take a look at children's literature throughout the ages some of the earlier stories originally meant to be children's entertainment were graphically violent and disturbing to say the least. Cases in point: Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel & Gretel to name a few. One would think that modern children should be even more capable of separating fantasy from reality considering the levels of violence that they're exposed to through other forms of media, movie and TV in particular. The great thing about W101 is that no-one and nothing ever really "dies" except for the occasional neglected plant. And even then it can be resurrected. Defeat an enemy and then re-enter his lair and voila, there he is again. Lose a battle yourself and boom, you magically reappear, none the worse for wear. The violence curve is gradual as you gain access to higher level worlds. As someone else noted, I don't think younger players are expected to ever reach some of the higher levels but even if they do the "nastiness" is still never any worse than what you might see on a Saturday morning cartoon.

Jul 20, 2014
Wizard101 is meant for all ages, but I do agree that the higher up you get in the worlds, the more mature the language gets. However, I would say that if you are a parent and you don't want your kid to see other people chatting, you could just have them use Menu Chat. That's what it's there for, after all.

Level 34

Aug 01, 2009
Leesha Starforge on Apr 1, 2015 wrote:
Wizard101 is meant for all ages, but I do agree that the higher up you get in the worlds, the more mature the language gets. However, I would say that if you are a parent and you don't want your kid to see other people chatting, you could just have them use Menu Chat. That's what it's there for, after all.

Level 34
But I don't just mean languge, there are also references that only adults would get and reference to the real world and some Easter eggs the younger people might not understand, like the zekes quests smiths the beetles etc are also references to bands. But then again higher worlds do get darker like stated by other people, so the game gets a bit more mature

Evan Starblade lvl 76

Feb 07, 2011
Evan starblade888 on Apr 2, 2015 wrote:
But I don't just mean languge, there are also references that only adults would get and reference to the real world and some Easter eggs the younger people might not understand, like the zekes quests smiths the beetles etc are also references to bands. But then again higher worlds do get darker like stated by other people, so the game gets a bit more mature

Evan Starblade lvl 76
you are a hundred percent correct; that said, while the first parts of the game may be aimed at a younger audience, kids don't pay for the subscriptions/crowns: the adults do.

therefore, from a business perspective, there needs to be something there to engage adult players as well, otherwise they will likely write it off as a waste of time and will not pay for their families to play.

just my 2 cents.


Feb 13, 2011
Prince of Shadows on Mar 30, 2015 wrote:
10-110. It's going to take a year or more for most players to get to the higher worlds, so the story ramps up a bit, kind of the way the Harry Potter books got darker as the readers got older.
My kids lost interest in Harry Potter and so did I.

Feb 13, 2011
Evan starblade888 on Mar 29, 2015 wrote:
I have noticed something, the higher up or more difficult the world, the more adult it is, a lot of uncomfortable death threats, stating modern problems, and even some innapropriate for children statements, for example, after defeat this boss in cear Lyon, he said, and I quote "this must be my blue period" i honestly don't think a nine or ten year old would get that, at least i hope they don't, so back to the original statement. What age is wizard101 really for?

Evan starblade level 76
You have some good points. I don't enjoy rough language. Hey Froggy Froggy made me laugh and some where in Krok someone said "I hate to mess up your pretty little hat but I have to." Funny is good.

Feb 13, 2011
Evan starblade888 on Mar 30, 2015 wrote:
But it also expresses some modern problems like i mentioned before, slavery and racsism is still a problem today believe it or not, but the the way kingsisle shows this is in krokotopia, in this world, the manders are enslaved by the kroks after they treated them from their illnesses, now the manders are eternally enslaved, and the kroks look down on them as nothing more then peasants, which is racially unfair.

Evan star blade lvl 76
Oh, please! It's a game? Has to have a problem!

Mar 16, 2010
Once, when reviews were played on the top of the launcher, it said from someone "From ages 6 to 106!"

Jan 27, 2010
I don't think that there is any real age limit.
I think wizard101 is for all age groups,I do however find that my historical knowledge along with my love of Harry potter has further helped me enjoy the game.

Dec 30, 2010
I honestly feel that the age limit for this game is correct. When I was around 10 years old, I was learning about American History and wars and things.
Wizard101 is pagan based, with it's history, and the world tree, and myth and legends of the old. I find the game more enjoyable, not just because of the game play, but the history itself that is being brought forth. I enjoy the aspect of playing the game mainly because of what I learn from it, or can relate too with my own life, With me being a Celtic Pagan my self I feel quite at home while playing, It gives me the chance to experience someone else's creation on mythology and medieval times.
Wizard101 is a history book, That you can play, With their own creative ideas added to it!
I feel it would be nice to have a more adult options, for game play and such. But at its current build, I feel the games age rating is appropriate.

Jan 24, 2010
I feel that Kings Isle created this game with the intention that parents would play with their children. So the kids will get a great story and game to play and at the same time there are "easter eggs" sprinkled through out the game that only parents would get. To keep them entertained.

Dec 11, 2014
I think it could be meant for u know like pre teens to teens . I have never went to any other worlds except grizzleheim , wizardcity (of course^^) krokotopia wysteria and marleybone, so I dont know anything on those topics but on my concern there are lots of rude people out there who use abusive languages.

lvl 31 life wizard nicole lifeflower

Sep 17, 2012
Evan starblade888 on Apr 2, 2015 wrote:
But I don't just mean languge, there are also references that only adults would get and reference to the real world and some Easter eggs the younger people might not understand, like the zekes quests smiths the beetles etc are also references to bands. But then again higher worlds do get darker like stated by other people, so the game gets a bit more mature

Evan Starblade lvl 76
If you have ever watched Loony Tunes, Disney, The Muppets... "Family Entertainment" this is the secret to their successes. All of them have humor at various age levels throughout them. Some entertainment for the people accompanying the children. I grew up watching the Muppet Show as a kid, loved it. Watched it as an adult and still loved it because I got more of the references and entendres that went over my head as a child. It's part of the formula for creating all age entertainment.

Jul 27, 2009
Kingsisle.. Leave it to you to put a "blue period"...