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Arcane bundle glitch: sinking walls

Nov 06, 2012
So, I bought the Arcane bundle online, on sale because i thought it would be cool. I picked the items up and started to build my castle. While I was building though, I noticed that the walls would sink into the floor every now and then, and I would constantly have to move them, then put them back into place. Another funny thing was that it was always the same blocks. If it was only a few it wouldn't be such a big deal, but it's so many and it's driving me insane! It's ruining my enjoyment of the bundle, and I was hoping KI would come out with a fix for it in the next update. I really love the concept of the bundle, and would be very happy with a fix!

Scarlet EmeraldEyes, Level 47
Maria RainWraith, Level 100