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Critical rating pls explain the numbers...

Mar 31, 2014

Some gear display critical numbers e.g. +184 critical damage... How much add up to say 1%. E.g. 200 critical means 1%.

Just so I know when I get an item saying it has 120 critical what it actually means, knowing what that translates to in percentage is very useful :)


Aug 18, 2011
Roughly you can divide rating by 5 to get percent. The actual formula is a bit more complex, and there's a penalty subtracted for wizard level, but that will give you the basic value for an item. Your wizard stats now show a bottom line %, which is what really counts.

Oct 09, 2011
Mouse over the critical in your stats and add up the percentages shown.

Sep 17, 2012
The percentage that an item adds varies by level of the wizard. Each item always gives a minimum 1% boost though. An item with 120 rating would add 25% chance for a level 70 wizard for example, but only 22% for level 100.


Nov 19, 2010
If you hover over your critical rating it will show you the percentage.

I think around 5ish critical is 1%. Hope this helps

AdamStormTamer 100

Mar 31, 2014
I don't find character stats useful for what I want It only says the total of all items in percentage not per item, also you have to equip items to see this total % number.

But that calculator is kind of useful: http://www.duelist101.com/news/site-news/wizard101-critical-calculator/ If I did it right 23 rating (for my wand) equals to about 3% for lvl 74 so ye it's approx divided by 5.


Sep 17, 2012
enkia on Jul 23, 2015 wrote:
I don't find character stats useful for what I want It only says the total of all items in percentage not per item, also you have to equip items to see this total % number.

But that calculator is kind of useful: http://www.duelist101.com/news/site-news/wizard101-critical-calculator/ If I did it right 23 rating (for my wand) equals to about 3% for lvl 74 so ye it's approx divided by 5.

For level 74 wizard:
23 (rating) * 0.225 (rating to % conversion) - 2 (1 per 10 levels over 50) = 3.175% which rounds to 3%
The same item for a level 91+ wizard would be:
23 (rating) * 0.225 (rating to % conversion) - 4 (1 per 10 levels over 50) = 1.175% which rounds to 1%

The same item for a level 50 wizard would be:
23 (rating) * 0.225 (rating to % conversion) - 0 (1 per 10 levels over 50) = 5.175% which rounds to 5%

If you're interested in the equations.

Mar 31, 2014
great that equations and the calculators explain it all for me...


Aug 18, 2011
The formulas changed in the last update. Now it's total, not per-item. rating x .205. and the penalty is .2 per level over 50 I think, or -10% for max.

You can still roughly divide rating by 5 to estimate %.

Aug 12, 2012
hey every one i have 659 critical which is 125% critical and yet still my friend with 50% block all most all the time blocks me i tried raising my critical to 153% which is over his 50% block and yet still he blocks me as usual.... can someone please explain why giving a storm player critical like that makes sense in this game??.... why give storm players critical when no matter how high critical is it will always have a chance to get blocked

Nov 12, 2013
KI needs to change the system for critical again because having 153% is outrageous and pretty useless, there should be a limit on cirtical so no one can get to 100%. It would be cool if you could do a double critical from that though lol

Mar 31, 2014
He's blocking you because he has 50% block does not matter how high your critical is. Your critical the higher it gets more chance your spells critical, it does not mean less chance the spells get blocked.

That's how I understand it...

Aug 18, 2011
The critical system is fine. Some people just don't understand it.

There's no problem in having more than 100% crit. It means you'll always critical, but you can still be blocked. Higher crit gives you a better chance not to be blocked, but there must always be a chance if your opponent has any block.

The block % you see is relative to a 100% critical chance. If you have 100% crit and your opponent 50% block, there is a 50% chance of your crit landing. But if your block is less than your opponent's block, you'll always be blocked. If you had 150% crit and your opponent had 50% block, the block chance would go down to 33%, etc

Sep 21, 2010
if I am a level 100 wizard with 520 what would my percentage be?

Sep 07, 2011
The necromancer760 on Jul 26, 2015 wrote:
if I am a level 100 wizard with 520 what would my percentage be?
90-something. If you look at your stats you'll see % on the bottom line.