So I recently installed windows 10 on my laptop. I don't know if anyone is having the same issues, but the launcher sometimes freezes after you log in. Then I got to 'End Task' the launcher to get out of it.
This never happened before on Windows 7, has this ever happened to anyone so far using windows 10?
I am also having a serious amount of disconnect issues with Windows 10. The game starts up alright and then when i move to a different area or zone the message "unable to connect to server" pops. It has been happening in Pirate as well. Any suggestions?
I too am on windows 10, and while I was having some disconnect issues, I stumbled on a windows 10 function that works to correct issues with programs designed for earlier versions. This function seemed to fix the disconnect issue. I then made the HUGE mistake of allowing one of those AD apps to get on my computer and had to use the Windows 10 Recovery function which removes all programs and makes a list of them for you. When I reinstalled the Wizard101 program things seemed to work better; at least in regards to disconnecting. I still have a few curious issues when I start up, but nothing that really interferes with game play. I am not suggesting you corrupt your computer, but you might try reinstalling the game and or using the search function to find that Correcting function I stumble on.
Thanks to Kitilark and your lucky mishap, i have managed to fix most of the disconnect issues. Though I did seem to stumble upon a bug when I reinstalled Wizard101. To reiterate Uninstall and reinstall the games seems to have fixed it.
I have been using Windows 10 since it officially came out and have had zero problems. If you having problem it is something other than wizard101. Good luck!