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Bartelby's illness

Jan 21, 2014

I was playing the game today actually and entered bartelby a second and noticed he is withered. Yes I know that this is related to the third arc but don't you guys think It'd be nice if only the people that already graduated can see that?

I'm just ending mooshu and i can see that. I think only the people that are in polaris should see that, because many players that don't know about the polaris storyline might get a spoiler, which is seeing bartelby sick. Just a minor touch, because i really want to see bartelby sick when he oficially gets sick, not now. Anyobdy with me?

Isaac GoldHeart lvl 48

Jan 21, 2014
Seeing that no one has answered, I would suppose that this is only affecting me. Kingsisle, can I ask for your asistance?

Isaac GoldHeart lvl 50

lifedude2002 on Nov 30, 2015 wrote:
Seeing that no one has answered, I would suppose that this is only affecting me. Kingsisle, can I ask for your asistance?

Isaac GoldHeart lvl 50
I've already passed this along to be investigated. If you would like extra help with the issue, you can send an email to support@wizard101.com for assistance.

Oct 01, 2014
Jan 21, 2014
Well, now that rocket is seeing that too this means that it's some sort of bug. Thank you Prof. Greyrose. Hope it gets fixed.

Isaac GoldHeart lvl 50

Sep 19, 2009
No, you're not alone. My level 88 balance saw that the other day. It's just a minor bug they'll fix soon I'm sure.

Samantha Hawkrider Prodigious

Aug 13, 2008
I actaully saw this as well but i passed it off as wizard101 doing something for fall to let people know what season they were in i was actaully excepting bare trees soon to show winter but i guess we are seeing bartley get sick long before he is unwell Brian Sprithorn