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Should I Do The Dungeons?

Feb 07, 2015
Ok, so I am level forty and I am a storm character. I have recently just completed the Mount Olympus Dungeon, which was available ten levels back at level thirty. So, I need to know, if I am a higher level and forget to do a dungeon or something, should I still do the dungeon? I still have not done Shangri Baa or Barkingham Palaca and I am wondering if I am too late to do the dungeons?

Oct 18, 2009
It wouldn't hurt to go back and do old dungeons, its good for getting badges. Also some dungeons drop pets, mounts, and cool looking gear

(I personally rather like the top teir gear you get from doing Barkingham Palace even if I am level 110)

Also their are reagents you can only find in Shangri Baa and Barkingham that you can use in crafting recipies most notably "Motes of *Insert Word Here*" that are used in crafting the Darkmoor decks and a few other items.