After all these years I would have expected a card game to come out of kingsisle. I find often times both people who play virtual strategy games also play card games, at least in my case its true. I also feel it could help bring in more people who would originally try out the card game and eventually go to the virtual game. I know the card world is pretty exclusive and few survive but it's at least something to think about.
I think it would be awesome to be able to have a Wizard101 duel in real life and collect the spell cards for real and have a real deck. And having a real Wizard101 card game with the spell cards and the board I think would be a great way to advertise the game too.
I think it would be fun just to have W101 as a deck of regular cards. Can you imagine Dworgen, Falmea, and others as Queens & Kings? The other cards can be pics of wizards or favorite NPCs.
After all these years I would have expected a card game to come out of kingsisle. I find often times both people who play virtual strategy games also play card games, at least in my case its true. I also feel it could help bring in more people who would originally try out the card game and eventually go to the virtual game. I know the card world is pretty exclusive and few survive but it's at least something to think about.
Obviously, Wizard is a card game but the cards are digital and they've woven a world and combat visualization system around it. This has been proposed before and I remember running the numbers on it. (the post is probably still here somewhere) The number of cards required to replicate the game as it's currently played would number in the thousands when you consider all of the spells for all of the schools, plus off-school spells... and you'll want multiples of some cards. Seven schools with a rough average of 45-50 base spells plus the extras plus Astral spells plus Shadow spells... and what if four people all want to play as one school? What it boiled down to is that it would take a fork-lift to carry it all around.
cool idea. I would love to be able to play wizard101 while I'm not by the computer and it would be even cooler if it could be taken to a friends house to play there too so a travelable set
It would be a great way to advertise the game, and I would love to be able to play wizard 101 even if I cant be on my Laptop. Now I really really want this to be an actual thing
I personally would love a real card version of Wizard101. However, it would probably be very expensive and risky since KingsIsle couldn't be sure how popular they would be.
For fun, you could always make your own card game. There are many resources available nowadays which could aid you in designing game-like cards which you could print out and play with friends. Let your imagination run wild. :)