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Rank the worlds

Nov 22, 2015
1 is your favorite, 13 is your least favorite. If there is a world you don't like at all, that you really dislike, you can not include it on your list. Also, if you haven't completed all worlds, you can simply rank the worlds you've completed. I'd appreciate it if you specified how you were ranking them (for example: looks, quests, lore, etc...).

Based on looks, this is approximately how I would rank the worlds I've completed. Dragonspyre is not included.
1. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
2. Wysteria
3. MooShu
4. Zafaria
5. Marleybone
6. Krokotopia
7. Celestia
8. Wizard City

Based on lore/story, this is approximately how I would rank the worlds I've completed.
1. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
2. MooShu
3. Krokotopia
4. Marleybone
5. Zafaria
6. Celestia
7. Dragonspyre
8. Wysteria
9. Wizard City

Mar 28, 2010
I haven't played wizard101 in a while so I'll just rank the last few worlds and p101 worlds.

In terms of looks:
1. P101 MB
2. Polaris
3. P101 Mooshu
4. P101 Aquila
5. Khrysalis

In terms of lore:
1. P101 MB
2. P101 Mooshu
3. P101 Aquila
4. Khrysalis
5. Polaris

Lvl 110
Lvl 104
Lvl 27

Mar 20, 2012
Since there was at least one part I enjoyed in each world and have completed all, I made my list including all thirteen. Here's my one and only main list. I'll include why they're ranked how they are:
1, 2, & 3) Polaris, Azteca, & Avalon - I literally cannot decide this one. All three were equally my favorites. Polaris looks fantastic. The northern lights and snow, as well as the soundtrack made it so well put together. Avalon was beautiful, and had an incredible charm. And Azteca... Before Xibalba, it just had this awesome vibe. ALSO THE ZULTAN THEME.
4) Mooshu - MOOSHU IS AWESOME. It's so pretty and colorful, and the soundtracks are great!
5) Khrysalis - I thought that I'd hate this world. xD It had bugs, was all weird... but surprisingly amazing. The storyline made me feel all cool and spy-y. ;D
6) Grizzleheim - There wasn't a part of GH that was bad. The snow, the bears... I loved everything. The music was epic.
7) Wysteria - Pretty!! :D Music was cool. Pigs cheated, but were cute, man.
8) Wizard City - Yeah, I mean, it was OK. I don't remember too much of it, since I last played it years ago, but the good old, familiar vibe never changed. The music is also nice. c:
9) Zafaria - I have to admit, Zafaria was pretty cool. x3 A lot of people hated it, but for some reason, I didn't. I actually enjoyed a lot of the content. I think it was the really exotic vibe it gave off.
10) Celestia - I got bored with this one. With the exception of the Floating Lands, which I loved, Celestia was pretty bland.
11) Krokotopia - Appearance-wise, it wasn't bad. It just wasn't my taste. I also got bored with it.
12) Dragonspyre - The worlds I dislike the most tend to be dark. So Dragonspyre wasn't the best world for me, even though I am a fire wizard. xD The storyline was pretty awesome, though...
13) Marleybone - My least favorite world had to be Marleybone. It had it's cool moments, and I enjoyed the museum & such, but overall, it was pretty dark and drab, so I wasn't a huge fan.

Nov 22, 2015
Fable Finder on May 31, 2016 wrote:
1 is your favorite, 13 is your least favorite. If there is a world you don't like at all, that you really dislike, you can not include it on your list. Also, if you haven't completed all worlds, you can simply rank the worlds you've completed. I'd appreciate it if you specified how you were ranking them (for example: looks, quests, lore, etc...).

Based on looks, this is approximately how I would rank the worlds I've completed. Dragonspyre is not included.
1. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
2. Wysteria
3. MooShu
4. Zafaria
5. Marleybone
6. Krokotopia
7. Celestia
8. Wizard City

Based on lore/story, this is approximately how I would rank the worlds I've completed.
1. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
2. MooShu
3. Krokotopia
4. Marleybone
5. Zafaria
6. Celestia
7. Dragonspyre
8. Wysteria
9. Wizard City
Okay I made a sort of typo here: I meant "If there is a world you don't like at all, that you really dislike, you don't have to include it on your list." Whoops. There's no rules here - make up a list if you want, but I don't recommend it.

Nov 22, 2015
Stephanie Jadeclou... on Jun 2, 2016 wrote:
Since there was at least one part I enjoyed in each world and have completed all, I made my list including all thirteen. Here's my one and only main list. I'll include why they're ranked how they are:
1, 2, & 3) Polaris, Azteca, & Avalon - I literally cannot decide this one. All three were equally my favorites. Polaris looks fantastic. The northern lights and snow, as well as the soundtrack made it so well put together. Avalon was beautiful, and had an incredible charm. And Azteca... Before Xibalba, it just had this awesome vibe. ALSO THE ZULTAN THEME.
4) Mooshu - MOOSHU IS AWESOME. It's so pretty and colorful, and the soundtracks are great!
5) Khrysalis - I thought that I'd hate this world. xD It had bugs, was all weird... but surprisingly amazing. The storyline made me feel all cool and spy-y. ;D
6) Grizzleheim - There wasn't a part of GH that was bad. The snow, the bears... I loved everything. The music was epic.
7) Wysteria - Pretty!! :D Music was cool. Pigs cheated, but were cute, man.
8) Wizard City - Yeah, I mean, it was OK. I don't remember too much of it, since I last played it years ago, but the good old, familiar vibe never changed. The music is also nice. c:
9) Zafaria - I have to admit, Zafaria was pretty cool. x3 A lot of people hated it, but for some reason, I didn't. I actually enjoyed a lot of the content. I think it was the really exotic vibe it gave off.
10) Celestia - I got bored with this one. With the exception of the Floating Lands, which I loved, Celestia was pretty bland.
11) Krokotopia - Appearance-wise, it wasn't bad. It just wasn't my taste. I also got bored with it.
12) Dragonspyre - The worlds I dislike the most tend to be dark. So Dragonspyre wasn't the best world for me, even though I am a fire wizard. xD The storyline was pretty awesome, though...
13) Marleybone - My least favorite world had to be Marleybone. It had it's cool moments, and I enjoyed the museum & such, but overall, it was pretty dark and drab, so I wasn't a huge fan.
I agree with what you say (not sure about the list) except for Marleybone and Krokotopia. I liked these worlds a lot. It's funny, Marleybone is gloomy but only Dragonspyre can make me sad.

Apr 07, 2011
1. Marleybone or Dragonspyre

3. Marleybone or Dragonspyre

2. Grizzelheim/Wintertusk

3. Celestia

4. Mooshu

5. Krokotopia

6. Wizard City

7. Wysteria

Mar 20, 2012
Fable Finder on Jun 2, 2016 wrote:
I agree with what you say (not sure about the list) except for Marleybone and Krokotopia. I liked these worlds a lot. It's funny, Marleybone is gloomy but only Dragonspyre can make me sad.
Have you gotten to Azteca yet? If not, just wait. I won't spoil it, although you might already know, but the ending made me so sad. I'm not a very emotional person when it comes to games (Dragonspyre didn't even phase me), but I thought about Azteca for days, and went on multiple rants to my friends. The fact that the world changes (sadly, for good...) makes it even worse.

Nov 22, 2015
Stephanie Jadeclou... on Jun 5, 2016 wrote:
Have you gotten to Azteca yet? If not, just wait. I won't spoil it, although you might already know, but the ending made me so sad. I'm not a very emotional person when it comes to games (Dragonspyre didn't even phase me), but I thought about Azteca for days, and went on multiple rants to my friends. The fact that the world changes (sadly, for good...) makes it even worse.
Now I have something to look forward to! Yay!

Feb 19, 2009
I love all the sound tracks in the game and in all the worlds, they are all unique and memorable to me.

1. Grizzleheim. I just loved the story and the whole theme of the world is soo soothing and epic, it is rich with history and agriculture. Plus wolves, ravens, and bears...oh my!

2.Krokotopia. I loved krokotopia when I first arrived there. I loved the pyramids and the theme of the world. The story was quite shocking when the manders were put to slaves. The world meant more to me because you got an understanding of how hard the manders lives were and how they became enslaved. I wonder were the kroks came from ;) I guess we will all find out soon this summer.

3.Polaris. The story was incredible and we got almost a larger understanding of the story of wizard101 and the spiral. The theme of the world at first I was a little iffy with, but when I started it I loved it ever since. It's funny, it's great, and I have to say they did a great job on the animation of this world :)

4. Azteca. The world is beautiful, it's so alive and full of beauty and dinosaurs everywhere! I love dinosaurs.

5. Celestia. The science and the water theme in this world is unchallenged. The space aspect of it is fascinating and I enjoyed this world a lot!

6.Marlybone. Who doesn't like marlybone lol. I love the cats and dogs and burglars and cops and robbers. It's one of the worlds that I always enjoy no matter what.

7.Wizard city. It's our home, were it all started. I still love the theme and the music. it's always good to see your teachers again and explore the memories of what this world gave to you :)

8. Dragon Spyre. Loved the world and the theme of a ruined civilization, always gives me the thoughts of what a Titan can do...Thank you Grandmother raven for putting them to sleep.

9. khrysalis. Bug world, long and I enjoyed it. it was good.

10.Moo Shu. Loved moo Shu!

11. Wysteria. Didn't like it too much. I just liked the new Easter eggs as all.

12. Avalon. I liked it.

13. Zafaria. Hated it.

Nov 28, 2010
1. Wizard City - it's fast paced. You either win fast, or you are defeated fast. Lots of story that you can get through quickly.

2. Dragonspyre - while playing it sometimes I got impatient with some of the collect quests, but I really enjoy the look and feel of the world. I wish Dragonspyre Academy could have been restored so that we would have more reason to go back there.

3. Wysteria - a quick, fast paced side world. The non-sense of it all was a welcome distraction from the serious tone of tracking down Malistaire.

4. Krokotopia - again, fast paced. Even with all of the bouncing back and forth from the Oasis to various areas of the Pyramid to turn in quests, things progressed fairly quickly.

5. Mooshu - nothing in particular, just enjoyed the world.

6. Polaris - aside from the extended period of time it takes to load Walruskberg, this is another fast paced world. It looks good and feels good. I'm still not done it, but I enjoy playing it.

7. Grizzelheim/Wintertusk - I liked how these worlds looked. The low XP in Grizzelheim was over-compensated for in Wintertusk.

8. Marleybone - It was fun, and this was the first world where we had teleporters. They certainly came in handy on those long streets.

9. Celestia - the introduction of Astral spells was a welcome addition, though they kind of created a monster.

10. Avalon - looked really good. Felt too difficult when it first came out, but not so much anymore.

11. Azteca - looked good, kind of dragged on.

12. Zafaria - Fire Lion Ravagers can jump off a cliff. I believe one of my wizards got all of the Defeat Lions badges just trying to get the guide staffs. If not, they were only a few away from the last badge when they finally got the last staff. I still despise that quest.

13. Khrysalis - duels are often 6 - 8 times longer in this world than Wizard City, and there are so many that it feels like you're going nowhere... slowly. For me that really overshadows the many things I like about this world.

Dec 22, 2010
I'm counting the 11 main worlds (the Arcanum will be part of Polaris), Grizzleheim & Wintertusk as one world, Wysteria, the Aquila dungeons as one world, and Castle Darkmoor as one world. That's 15 worlds:
1. Avalon
2. Khrysalis
3. Celestia
4. Grizzleheim
5. Polaris
6. Wysteria
7. Azteca
8. Marleybone
9. Krokotopia
10. Dragonspyre
11. MooShu
12. Zafaria
13. Aquila
14. Wizard City
15. Darkmoor (not big enough to be a favorite)

Dec 22, 2010
Pirate101: I am not counting Dragonspyre/Avernus as a world.
1. Aquila
2. Cool Ranch
3. Marleybone
4. Skull Island
5. MooShu
6. Monquista
7. Valencia (haven't played through book 15 yet)

Nov 22, 2015
bearkat904 on Jun 13, 2016 wrote:
I'm counting the 11 main worlds (the Arcanum will be part of Polaris), Grizzleheim & Wintertusk as one world, Wysteria, the Aquila dungeons as one world, and Castle Darkmoor as one world. That's 15 worlds:
1. Avalon
2. Khrysalis
3. Celestia
4. Grizzleheim
5. Polaris
6. Wysteria
7. Azteca
8. Marleybone
9. Krokotopia
10. Dragonspyre
11. MooShu
12. Zafaria
13. Aquila
14. Wizard City
15. Darkmoor (not big enough to be a favorite)
I think Darkmoor is part of Wizard City. Maybe Aquila?

Feb 28, 2013
bearkat904 on Jun 13, 2016 wrote:
Pirate101: I am not counting Dragonspyre/Avernus as a world.
1. Aquila
2. Cool Ranch
3. Marleybone
4. Skull Island
5. MooShu
6. Monquista
7. Valencia (haven't played through book 15 yet)
Where's that?

Nov 22, 2015
Based on nostalgia, the worlds would be in the exact same order as you get them for me.

Aug 05, 2013
Wizard City = 9
Krokotopia = OVER 9000000000000000000
Marleybone = 13
Mooshu = 10
Dragonspyre = 8
Grizzleheim = 3
Celestia = 7
Wysteria = 2
Zafaria = 3
Avalon = 10
Azteca = 13
Khrysalis = 13
Polaris = 13

Jan 19, 2015
I haven't gotten to Polaris yet with any wizard, so that won't be in my list. I do have an exalted , so I've been through all of Khrysalis, but I want my grandmaster to be the first to reach it (I like her the best after all )

1. Khrysalis! I love the story here, I love the bugs, I love the difficulty, I love facing down Morganthe's warlords throughout the story, then again in the galleries (reminds me of megaman games), and I love how it really feels like you're working towards something huge.

2. Azteca. Dinosaurs! Another favorite of mine, also for the story and difficulty. I always get a pang of sadness coming back after the fact though...

3. Grizzleheim/Wintertusk. Particularly Wintertusk. I know its short, but I love the feeling of going in weak, and coming out so much stronger. This is like the trial of strength to reach the upper worlds in a way, and it comes with amazing rewards. Also, best music in the game.

4. Krokotopia. I'll never forget the first time stepping outside of Wizard City and seeing that there really is a huge world out there to explore. This was when the scope of the game really hit me for the first time, and the more sinister edge to the world (Mander slavery! Dog soldiers! Lovecraft references!) was a shock, after the innocence of Wizard City.

5. Avalon. So many bosses! I love it!

6. Zafaria. I still really like this world, much to my surprise, but ultimately, the defeat and collect quests here are just too much for it to be ranked higher.

7. Mooshu. It's not bad, but I don't love it.

8. Dragonspyre. Malistaire is cool, but the world just drags.

9. Celestia. I love getting the astral magic, but this world drags too.

10. Marleybone. Not bad, but too short.

11. Wysteria. I do it for the extra level or 2, but that's it.

12. Wizard City. This is a world? I try to get it over with ASAP each time. Darkmoor and Aquila are nice, but I don't really consider them as the same thing.

Nov 22, 2015
DevinSkullStone on Jun 18, 2016 wrote:
Wizard City = 9
Krokotopia = OVER 9000000000000000000
Marleybone = 13
Mooshu = 10
Dragonspyre = 8
Grizzleheim = 3
Celestia = 7
Wysteria = 2
Zafaria = 3
Avalon = 10
Azteca = 13
Khrysalis = 13
Polaris = 13
So your list would be this, with the top being your best ones.

Wizard City

Nov 22, 2015
Let me update my list, since I unlocked Avalon. I will only do looks until I finish Avalon's story.

1. Avalon
2. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
3. Wysteria
4. MooShu
5. Zafaria
6. Marleybone
7. Krokotopia
8. Celestia
9. Wizard City

Nov 22, 2015
Fable Finder on Jun 21, 2016 wrote:
Let me update my list, since I unlocked Avalon. I will only do looks until I finish Avalon's story.

1. Avalon
2. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
3. Wysteria
4. MooShu
5. Zafaria
6. Marleybone
7. Krokotopia
8. Celestia
9. Wizard City
Actually, I change my mind. Grizzleheim takes first place again. I will give a larger review on the worlds when I get to the end of Polaris.

1. Grizzleheim & Wintertusk
2. Avalon
3. Wysteria
4. MooShu
5. Zafaria
6. Marleybone
7. Krokotopia
8. Celestia
9. Wizard City

Nov 22, 2015
New Looks List:

1. Grizzleheim/Wintertusk
2. Avalon
3. MooShu
4. Azteca
5. Wysteria
6. Zafaria
7. Marleybone
8. Krokotopia
9. Celestia
10. Wizard City
11. Dragonspyre

New Lore List:

Wizard City

So far, Grizzleheim/Wintertusk is the First Past the Post winner.