Okay, so in the pvp tutorial "Hard to Resist", I've noticed a whole bunch of glitches. One of them, the most common, is that the Fire Bird's health doesn't go down to zero when you use the last Ice Beetle, but it still dies. Another glitch, one that many of my friends have told me, is that the Fire Bird doesn't die for them, and that the battles lasts forever. The solution, that's probably going to fix it, is to lower down the Fire Bird's health.
In the three says since you originally posted it, I have given this feedback to our designers for verification/clarification.
As much as our players like to think that these things can be fixed overnight, that is simply not the case. Once we determine the problem, address it in design, fix it in code and put it through QA, then and only then will something be slated for the next large content update to the game.