Well when I first started wizard101 I never actually knew how. Use treasure cards. I would always get them and just puzzle over their purpose. Until finally one day in Kroktopia I finally asked someone, What are these gold cards I keep on getting? Once she told me I asked her how to use them then boom! All of a sudden a few days later I'm a treasure card collector, and user. Also the treasure cards have helped through some tough bosses. Also I wish I'd known how to buy a pet hen I first started. I'd see people with pets and I'd just stare. I'd go into the shopping district and look for the shop. I guess the pet shop piggle sigh was too small for me. Lol.
I wish someone had simply told me what Teleport Pads are and how they work. It took me a *really* long time to figure out how to use the blue circles to get up & down the falls on Triton Avenue. I was stuck at the bottom and couldn't figure out why I couldn't find the other part of the street on the map. (I started before there was a Quest Helper to point it out.)
i didnt know how to use pips, even with diegos tutorial. but when i was lvl 28 i asked someone what are these pips i have heared about. then i knew and it has improved me in the pvp arena
Simple as this sounds, I wish that I knew about changing realms.
I could have used it many times early in the game to get away from pesky wizards.
And I could have used it to find more of the mobs/enemies that I couldn't find. In some areas (like Colossus Blvd. and Dragonspyre), for some reason I couldn't always find what I needed (like the snowmen or whatever). But changing realms sometimes helped.
It also helps with finding reagents and some of those quests to find things (like the crates or the Stinkweed on Colossus Blvd.).
Simple idea, but I didn't know about this early in the game.
I wish I had understood pips better and the value of using zero pip wand spells. While I was in battle in Triton Avenue or Fire Cat Alley, sometimes a fellow player would use a zero pip wand which didn't do as much damage as the card wands. At the time I would think to myself "What an idiot!" Oh how wrong I was! I wasted so much time in fights using 1 pip spells instead of building up my pips!!!
I wish i knew about the death faint spell. My secondary school is fire, but i never use it. I wish i trained up to faint and tower shield for my secondary(i am life, so no training for satyr ), sadly, i don't use crowns so i prob wont every change.
The very first time I fizzled, I thought I did something wrong. It gets worse: The first defeat and collect where I did not collect, I said something like "this quest is glitched, I did not collect" BOY! Did I get an earful of how """FUN""" the D&C quests are later on. (Yes, Lions in Zafaria, I'm looking at you with that comment!!!)
Any mainstream quest or challenge you find really tough right now will be easy when your wizard advances 2-3 levels. Often it saves you a lot of time to leave a tough challenge and come back in a couple hours after leveling up, more gold, better gear.
Training points. I didn't know how many I got, or the significance of them. You are told to train other schools, but never told that training points aren't the same as getting spells from your school. I had assumed that I'd eventually get all spells from all teachers! That was over 3 years ago now though! Time flies when you are having fun!
not every pet can cast a spell , expect the un-expected , making allys in the game is great like maybewith , at first that my blood bat was my greatest asset ( I thought back then it was my myth blast ) , getting good freinds is rewarding
When I first started playing Wizard101, I only thought that there was only Menu Chat and Filtered Chat. But then as many people when they said some dialogue which included "..." in it, and that some people's badges didn't have a speech bubble next to it, I realized that there was another form of communication. It was Open Chat! O:
well the only thing i know now i wish i knew when i started paying for the game was how inane some of the mobs would be and bosses would be... whe you are the right level and have the deck made for a match and the NPCs start out the fight with a full rack of gold pips and you keep dying in the second round... the game loses it appeal rather quick....
now i kinda wish i had not spent so many $$ on the game...
I WISH I knew that the pedigree score for a pet really mattered. Back in the earlier days, I thought that any pet that didn't have a card was " bad ". Oh how wrong I was!! Once I was Slightly Naughty and teleported to a friend in CL, and went and visited the pet shop. I thought the sea dragon would of been a waste of crowns because it didn't have an item card! I don't think I have ever been more incorrect. The best pet in the game???
I wish I would've known that gear like robes, and hats could help you in the game. I didn't actually start wearing anything besides the beginners robe and stuff that the character came with, until I was in like Marleybone.