Hello, I'm Planeswalker1, otherwise known as Daniel SoulWalker in the game, a level 86 Sorcerer, and I would like to know something.
Is the Waterworks set and Tower of the Helephant athame and ring still the best gear in the game? If not, can someone tell me what is the new best gear for a Balance wizard like me? And on a less angry note, what is the best wand/deck/amulet for me?
On the other hand, if it is still the best gear in the game, can someone explain why we're not getting something better and why Kings Isle keeps giving us worse gear even though they know that we won't go to something worse?
Thanks to anyone who replies in advance, as I would really like to know the answers to these questions.
Waterworks gear has been overated for some time now. I cant begin to tell you the best gear because i dont know what playstyle you have and what you wish to accomplish. But you may want to do some searching and start piecing together your gear to find which stats you can buff up to where you need them.
Thanks for pointing that out, fireproof1111. I should have been more clear in the last message, but what I meant to say was that statistically, what is the best gear in the game, whether it's just in general (such as the Waterworks gear) or for a certain school. (Balance would be very nice to know, as I'm a Balance and would like to know what gear is best for them) I'll try to fix that in my original post, along with the amulet part, as that's pure choice.
As for your other point, I have researched a lot of the gear that I could wear, but nothing seems to offer all of the benefits or more benefits than the Waterworks gear and Tower of the Helephant gear. I would like to know if anyone else has done this and if they found something that I didn't.
Keep on replying wizards, -Daniel SoulWalker, Level 86 Archmage Sorcerer
I think that KI realized they went too far with the WW gear. It was solid in EVERY aspect. Later on in the game it is deficient in terms of block, and you cannot make it up with a ring/athame. I now wear the crafted AV gear, and that is really pretty decent. I have not had a critical get through on me since I crafted the gear. But I did have to give up damage and power pips. Accuracy improved so I am fizzleproof now. Also have a +50% incoming healing boost, so that helps out a ton. I guess it depends on your style, but to me an unblocked critical is too upsetting to my game play to leave to chance. WW gear is good, but "the best" is up for discussion. I speak in terms of a death mage, so I am not sure about a balance wizard. Most people change their styles, begrudgingly, to go further in the game. You have to do what works, not what you want. pods
If you like defense, Jade Mystery Set is pretty good. Crafted gear is also good (usually) from ZF and beyond. Waterworks is still good if you cant get those sets. (I still use my Waterworks gear at level 82)
Thanks for replying, pods1973 and wizardgirl1840. I've been doing a little more research, and I notice that a lot of people (at least, Balance wizards) are using the Armored Boots of Avalon recently because of the boon to health, huge boon to critical block, and Balance accuracy. Now that Azteca is out, Azteca has it's very own version of these boots called the Boots of the Other Lizards, which offer a little more of everything that the Armored Boots of Avalon. Does this mean that the Boots of the Other Lizards should be added to the list of the best gear to use? (again, at least for Sorcerers) I'll try to add this into my original post as well, whenever I have time to do so.
Keep on making your voice heard, -Daniel SoulWalker, Level 86 Archmage Sorcerer
Hello, I'm Planeswalker1, otherwise known as Daniel SoulWalker in the game, a level 86 Sorcerer, and I would like to know something.
Is the Waterworks set and Tower of the Helephant athame and ring still the best gear in the game? If not, can someone tell me what is the new best gear for a Balance wizard like me? And on a less angry note, what is the best wand/deck/amulet for me?
On the other hand, if it is still the best gear in the game, can someone explain why we're not getting something better and why Kings Isle keeps giving us worse gear even though they know that we won't go to something worse?
Thanks to anyone who replies in advance, as I would really like to know the answers to these questions.
-Daniel SoulWalker, Level 86 Archmage Sorcerer
Honestly, right now, the WW gear still works the best for Balance. My Balance is in Azteca, and she still wears the WW gear, as neither crafted, nor most drops have been able to provide what I need for my wizard.
I do carry several items in my backpack to change stats as I need them:
Robes: Cape of Judgement (WW) Jade Robe of Mystery (pack item): 330 health, +2 power pip, +30 crit blk, +21 univ resist, +3 out heal Summer Palace Plate (pack item): 380 health, +6 power pip, +55 crit blk, +15 univ resist, +10 in heal True Summer Robe (pack item): 510 health, +5 power pip, +18 crit blk, +13 damage, +10 univ resist, +6 in heal
Boots: Boots of Judgement (WW) Armored Boots of Judgement - L76 crafted in Avalon Boots of the Archmage (crown item)
Wand: Misty Mountain Mandolin (Knight Lore pack): 123 crit blk, +5 heal in, +5 heal out
Athame: Courtly Dirk - L76 crafted Avalon Dagger of the Kings Court - drop (but may find in the Bazaar?)
Amulet: Armigers Amulet of Aiming - L70 - purchase in Avalon, or can get as a drop
Ring: Crystal Cave Rose - L78 drop Bannermans Honorbound Ring - L72 (I think I bought this in the Bazaar or it was a drop) Golden Ring of Battle - L56 purchase in Bazaar or drop
By changing gear, my health can range from 4189 to 4678, universal resist can range from 43 to 56, damage boost range 27 to 75, power pips 85 to 99, healing in from 39 to 82, critical block 111 to 298, critical from 0 to 132.
If I'm helping someone, I'll boost my resist, power pips and healing in, and drop my damage boost. If I'm fighting alone, I'll drop my critical, boost my crit block, and drop a little resist to increase my damage boost.
The crafted gear in Azteca is not really worth the hard effort it would take to make it. Some stats lower, like damage boost and universal resist, while you get other hodge podge stats that are wacky at best. What stinks about Balance crafted clothing gear, is there are generally two options: one for spirit, one for elemental (same case in Avalon crafted). If you want to take the time to craft two sets of gear, go for it. You'd have to switch, depending on what you're fighting. The Azteca crafted athame isn't bad, but you BARELY get any increase (compared to the crafted Courtly Dirk in Avalon) for the amount of effort and reagents you need to make it.
No matter how many times I switch gear to try and come up with the best combination, I always end up with my WW gear. I think a way to get better stats is to concentrate on a good Balance pet, that will boost what you need.
Hello, I'm Planeswalker1, otherwise known as Daniel SoulWalker in the game, a level 86 Sorcerer, and I would like to know something.
Is the Waterworks set and Tower of the Helephant athame and ring still the best gear in the game? If not, can someone tell me what is the new best gear for a Balance wizard like me? And on a less angry note, what is the best wand/deck/amulet for me?
On the other hand, if it is still the best gear in the game, can someone explain why we're not getting something better and why Kings Isle keeps giving us worse gear even though they know that we won't go to something worse?
Thanks to anyone who replies in advance, as I would really like to know the answers to these questions.
-Daniel SoulWalker, Level 86 Archmage Sorcerer
Lose the ring and the athame it's junk 5% attack on a ring is nothing. What good is outgoing to you less your a life wizard there is a athame in the new world that's better. As far as WW gear goes the rest is ok but very low in heath and block for the new world. keep the hood and maybe the rode but find better boots with more block. and you should be good. Just my two cents but really it's up to you in what you like. So with that said hope it all works out for you
Honestly, there's nothing much upgrade for a Balance upgrade in the new world Azteca. I am very disappointed no good drop in every bosses and the only you can get a descent gears to purchase through the crown shop but not all beside the robe and boots otherwise stick with water work gears, I've been Azteca for a month now still nothing beside gears you can crafting it and just like Avalon it's small upgrade nothing spectacular for a Balance like us.Be advice just buy some robe and boots in the crown shop and craft some robe and boots so far is the best for us just mix it up with water work gears...look for me in Wizard City aka "brandon dragonhunter" i can show you what i got for a gears pretty much it for us, Hopefully King Isle will do something for us. We're kinda left behind the rest of the school realistically we are weak beside our Chimera is the best thing made for us otherwise we're just push over school nothing to fight . good luck!
there is a upgrade for the athame called Storm Caiman's Cruel Fang 9% attack 13 block 16% power pip there is a better ring too looking for it forgot the name will post it once I find it. Drop BY, Guaman Skyfall
Thanks to everyone who has replied thus far. Your information has been very useful, and by combining it along with a little bit more of my own research, I believe I have assembled at least part of what is the best gear for a Promethean Sorcerer (except for wand, amulet, pet, etc., as those are more about personal preference):
Hat: Hood of Judgement
Robe: Cape of Judgement
Boots: Boots of the Other Lizard
Athame: Storm Caiman's Cruel Fang
Ring: Aureate Band? (This is the one thing I'm still not sure about)
Would anyone feel comfortable in saying that this is indeed the best equipment for a level 90 Balance wizard? Does anyone think that this is not correct or that maybe one of the other items should be listed, such as wands and amulets? And if anyone still wants to add in their two cents about the original question, please feel free to do so.
No, I do not play and I have never played Magic the Gathering. The reason my username is Planeswalker1 is because I made this account around the time my brother played a lot of Magic the Gathering and tried to teach me how to play it, as it seemed interesting at the time, but then it was way too complex and I didn't want to get into that complexity at that time. It also sounds awesome and it has something to do with being a powerful wizard. Anyway, getting back on topic...
Would anyone be willing to do a sort of comparison between all of the gear that a Promethean Sorcerer could have? For example, if we were trying to figure out the best Balance hat in the game, we would have to compare the Hood of Judgement to all of the level 60+ Any School gear and level 60+ Balance School Only gear and see if anything is better than the Hood. I know it sounds like a big job, but if we could get a group of people to do each category of equipment (hats, robes, athames, etc.), it would become a lot easier.
Thanks for all of your input, -Daniel SoulWalker, Level 90 Promethean Sorcerer
Honestly, I'm level 90 promethean diviner name: Chase Ghostcloud. I still use my waterworks gear, although I don't have the boots yet. I would say that the ring and athame you want after beating xibalba are the ones that are dropped by the bosses in Xibalba. I can't remember if it's an athame or ring that is dropped but one of those gives 10% balance damage. If you are looking for good pvp gear, get the promethean mysterious Jade gear. It will give you over 60% universal resist. Hope this helped
For balance, WW Hat and Robe are good. (Robe only for the PP chance, hat for uni resist)
For athame and ring, new ones: Acampi Reedfist's lost seal (Bazaar bought) (Lose a bit of health and block, but gain 23% outgoing & 50 mana) Storm Caiman's cruel fang. (More damage, more everything.)