So, I'm not here to complain (thank goodness right? enough of that) haha
I just wanted to know if anyone else is farming any of the dropped spells? (ninja pig, goat monk, or samoorai)
I have been trying to get goat monk for quite some time now and I just wanted to hear from anyone who has it or has tried to get it. I have ninja pigs and it didn't take too much farming for that, but goat monk is a totally different BEAST! haha I'm probably working on over a hundred times of beating the boss for goat monk. So I think I'm on here basically to receive encouragement that it eventually will happen. :)
I farmed for those spells. I got Samoorai and Goat Monk within the first few battles. (pure luck, I am sure.) Ninja pigs took me much much longer to get.
I've been farming for Samoorai for nearly 2 months now. I would estimate that I've fought him over 150 times (solo) and have yet to receive the spell as a drop.
In mooshu, go to the Shirataki temple, then Zaneki is the one that drops the goat monk spell. He's in the air shrine. You have to go fight Shoji (who drops the samoorai) first before you can get to him though.
I tried for a few times for the Balance spell but gave up - then the M4H had an event to farm the dungeon for the spells and I joined it. It didn't seem as much like "farming" in the group we had a good time and it went well. I did get the spell after a while of battling and also won in the contest of the 2 person mount so figure I was just having a lucky day, lol.
My Ice during the questing there got the Ninja Pigs - which I never used, what a waste.
As with many other things in the game, we all have a "chance to get", for some of us it just takes longer.
well, just wanted to give an update :) I am still empty handed when it comes to goat monk :( boo Just an unlucky cat I suppose :) I haven't given up though.
well, just wanted to give an update :) I am still empty handed when it comes to goat monk :( boo Just an unlucky cat I suppose :) I haven't given up though.