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Convert on ice with fire trap

May 31, 2009
It doesn't work. Twice now I have used a fire trap along with my ice convert and the spell failed to set off the fire trap., Selling my fire traps as I need room in deck anyway. Use to work but now, no go.

Jul 03, 2010
2x4 two step on Jun 22, 2013 wrote:
It doesn't work. Twice now I have used a fire trap along with my ice convert and the spell failed to set off the fire trap., Selling my fire traps as I need room in deck anyway. Use to work but now, no go.
The Ice convert must be cast after the Fire trap is already set. You may have gotten a glitch if this didn't work.

So you hit the monster with an ice spell the convert changes it to a fire spell then it can use the fire trap to hit the monster.

It's the opposite if you want to use an Ice trap - they must be stacked on top the Ice convert to work.

It's complicated really and took me a time to figure out. My biggest one was getting the convert on the monster before they put a shield up, other wise the convert is moot. In lower worlds I tried to use an opposite school wand to get them off.

Oct 24, 2010
2x4 two step on Jun 22, 2013 wrote:
It doesn't work. Twice now I have used a fire trap along with my ice convert and the spell failed to set off the fire trap., Selling my fire traps as I need room in deck anyway. Use to work but now, no go.
The prism, aka "convert" has to be placed first, the fire trap afterwards. The spell first has to convert from ice to fire before the trap will work.
You can also cast an ice trap, which is even stronger before the prism, making the spell even stronger.

Jan 11, 2012
somebody probably answered this already, but you have to cast them in the right order. When you cast spells, keep in mind they come off in reverse order. So if you cast a fire THEN a prism, the prism wont hit. Yo9u need to cast the prism FIRST, then cast the trap SECOND to get the full benefit

May 22, 2009
The fire trap has to be placed BEFORE the prism. Remember, traps and blades are triggered from last to first placed.

For example, if I cast a feint, ice prism, and then fire trap, when I cast my ice spell, it will first trigger the feint, then the fire trap. But since the spell is not fire, it will ignore the trap and then hit the prism, converting it to fire. This will leave the fire trap. Now if I were to place another ice prism, then the next ice spell would trigger the fire trap because it was there before the prism.

May 14, 2009
Oh, I know what you mean.
The funny thing is, to make your Fire Trap count, you have to use converts FIRST.
It's kind of weird, but it's true. You could use the following:
1st: Convert 2nd: Fire Trap 3rd: Elemental Trap.
1st: Elemental Trap 2nd: Convert 3rd: Fire Trap.
Yup. That's it. :) Good luck.

Feb 25, 2009
RavenLady777 on Jun 23, 2013 wrote:
The prism, aka "convert" has to be placed first, the fire trap afterwards. The spell first has to convert from ice to fire before the trap will work.
You can also cast an ice trap, which is even stronger before the prism, making the spell even stronger.
Actually, RavenLady, that is wrong. Sorry. If you want to boost a spell being converted, ie, Ice to fire, you place the fire trap first, then the convert, followed by Ice trap, elemental traps and any tc traps for that school. You can also include an elemental trap and tc traps with your initial fire trap followed by the convert and additional traps. The trigger to the traps acts in reverse of the order you placed them.

Example: target is Ice.
Place Fire trap, Elemental Trap, Fire Trap TC. Now Place Ice Prism, Ice Trap, Elemental Trap, Ice Trap TC.

Now, you use your spell, let's say a Wyvern. Traps trigger in this order: Ice Trap TC, Elemental Trap, Ice Trap, PRISM (converts to FIRE) Fire Trap TC, Elemental Trap, Fire Trap.

The Traps (Ice for Ice target) for the school of your target have to be placed after the Prism and the traps for the converted spell (ice to fire) have to be placed before the Prism. Otherwize, they won't work the way you intended.

This also works for all schools EXCEPT Balance

And yes, I do know this works. I have used it. I figured it out by accident not long after ZF was released and posted it in these forums.

Aug 07, 2010
I have this problem with my myth sometimes. Although it's not a glitch, i think it's something KI should straighten out. It doesn't make sense that it would have to be in a specific order.

Alexander RainbowFountain, Grandmaster ()

Oct 24, 2010
DragonLady1818 on Jun 26, 2013 wrote:
Actually, RavenLady, that is wrong. Sorry. If you want to boost a spell being converted, ie, Ice to fire, you place the fire trap first, then the convert, followed by Ice trap, elemental traps and any tc traps for that school. You can also include an elemental trap and tc traps with your initial fire trap followed by the convert and additional traps. The trigger to the traps acts in reverse of the order you placed them.

Example: target is Ice.
Place Fire trap, Elemental Trap, Fire Trap TC. Now Place Ice Prism, Ice Trap, Elemental Trap, Ice Trap TC.

Now, you use your spell, let's say a Wyvern. Traps trigger in this order: Ice Trap TC, Elemental Trap, Ice Trap, PRISM (converts to FIRE) Fire Trap TC, Elemental Trap, Fire Trap.

The Traps (Ice for Ice target) for the school of your target have to be placed after the Prism and the traps for the converted spell (ice to fire) have to be placed before the Prism. Otherwize, they won't work the way you intended.

This also works for all schools EXCEPT Balance

And yes, I do know this works. I have used it. I figured it out by accident not long after ZF was released and posted it in these forums.
I just did this this morning; you can place a fire trap before or after the prism. I misunderstood what you were saying in the previous post, so my apologies!