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I gotta question

Jul 27, 2009
If I farm for items with more than one person does it increase my chance of getting pets and items????

Mar 03, 2012
Clumsy Sebastion L... on Jul 10, 2013 wrote:
If I farm for items with more than one person does it increase my chance of getting pets and items????
I don't know the exact answer, but I would think that it would decrease your chance because they will now have a chance at it and therefore decreasing you chance so its even.

Hope this helps!!!!

Paige FairydreamerLevel 46

Jun 09, 2012
Doing it with other players does not really lower or increase your chance of getting pets and such. it might be that your friend gets it and you don't. Though I would say, if you could solo the boss I would do that to farm for pets.
Here are some bosses that drop pets in wizard city:

Alicane Swiftarrow in firecat alley drops sprite
Lord nightshade at the end of haunted cave drop blue banshee and midnight sprite
Bastilla Gravewine drops a pet ( not sure) she's also in firecat alley
that's all of the ones that I can remember from memory.

Katie Mythbalde

Feb 16, 2010
it helps if you solo the boss and kill him/her and the minion in one hit.

-jack skullbreeze master of fire

"knowledge is power, use it wisely"

Feb 29, 2012
No, drops are random and calculated for each player.

Nov 26, 2011
I believe not. Its a random chance if you get it or not. You might get it, you might not get it.

Feb 02, 2013
drops are random. If you are in a group and a pet does drop, then there is a chance one of your allies could pick it up.

Feb 07, 2009
Hey, I am Wolf Level 78 Wizard

I just leveled up, and i didn't get a message from my instructor to give me a quest to get mammoth.

I did some reading and learned that i had to get a level 58 pet along with learning "Snow Angel".
At level 58 i only learned the spell, i didn't get any quest for wyvern.
Since i am already lvl 78, how would i make my teacher give me the quest for a pet i should had gotten at

level 58 or i can then move on and get the level 78 pet quest.

PS: I did not finish wintertusk yet