OK, so we all know Morganthe is out to take over the spiral.
But, first of all, where did that prophecy come from? The mirror will break, the horn will call, from the shadows I strike, and the skies will fall. Something more powerful then Morganthe is out there.
We all know about the storm, ice, and fire titans. But.....What if there were Spirits in the spiral? o: like spirits that controlled the spirit schools. Well, seeing as Morganthe is Death, maybe the Death spirit is controlling her.
We all know that the only "titans" mentioned are the Elemental ones. Maybe the Shadow Titan wants to be noticed. o.O
If you ask me, the Spirit school titans should be our next enemies. Legend Titan, Shadow Titan, and Nature Titan.
And instead of us working for someone in Wizard City, the elemental titans wake up and send us on this quest to save the spiral. Now, I realize that the Dragon Titan is said to be evil, same with the Snow titan. But think of it like this.
Your the king of the castle and your brother is trying to take your castle over, would you fight back or would you give up? What I am saying is the dragon, snow, and storm titans most likely wouldn't like it if their realm was being taken over by their distant cousins. They would find someone to fight back and take out the cousins.
Anyways, point being maybe we aren't completely at the end of the Morganthe arc. We might see something 200 times more powerful that had been controlling her the whole time. o.O
Man the bosses in Celestia have their dragons, storm lords, and frost giants awake. The legend titan should be all of the myths ever made into one big butt-kicking thing.