Everyone once in awhile my health tends to vanish. The sound it makes is as if I died. I look at my health gauge in the my character page and its shows a number of like negative two billion. Its easy to temp fix just go to another area. Has anyone else experienced this?
Everyone once in awhile my health tends to vanish. The sound it makes is as if I died. I look at my health gauge in the my character page and its shows a number of like negative two billion. Its easy to temp fix just go to another area. Has anyone else experienced this?
I've experienced this, but only when I play on my Mac. when I play on my PC, it never happens.
Everyone once in awhile my health tends to vanish. The sound it makes is as if I died. I look at my health gauge in the my character page and its shows a number of like negative two billion. Its easy to temp fix just go to another area. Has anyone else experienced this?
i've seen this after i've been buying in the bazaar for some time and i went into battle, and i was invensible! :) :)